Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

(Gonna go eat, brb 15min)

wait your a despardo

I dont think youll be bacc

She will, he didnā€™t even ping the hosts lol.

(itā€™s actually submitted privately, which I did)


I thought the sudden change was because it was an RT

I still donā€™t believe youā€™re a suicide killer while Apprentice ainā€™t.

well then


appel gonna flip

Complicated events have transpired!


Well, centuries was right about at least one thing, my slot does self-resolve

All else aside,
If this is real, Ici I like your flavors

estel/ash are like

really bad people to have die in the last cycle

they kinda led things


I come back to see a horrible shot. :upside_down_face:
Well, hopefully weā€™re not seeing Ash the suicide bomber nail a town. Though, to be fair, he probably wouldā€™ve chosen a better target had that been the case.

A suicide wha?
Uhhhh ok thenā€¦


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Living death. Antigone considered herself the walking dead long before she died, tending to the shadow of Oedipus as he wandered blindly through the bleak wilderness surrounding Thebes, witnessing his curse as it grew outward, killing both of her brothers, and then her and her sister, by exploting the arrogance of Polynices, Eteocles, and Creon.

Those who have nothing to lose are willing to take whatever steps are neccecary to enforce what they believe to be divine justice. And Antigone saw a figure she knew well- Daedalus, the great inventor, but also the man who killed his own nephew out of anger. And swirling within her, she felt that he should not be alive. To return from death is an honour that should not be squandered on the barbarian responsible for the Minotaur out of cowardice.

And so, in broad daylight, Antigone lent down and covered herself lightly with some dust-like dirt. Everybody turned to see what she was doing. And then she rushed towards Daedalus, knocking him down. She took out a sword, and just as her betrothed, beloved Haemon stabbed himself with grief over her death- she stabbed Daedalus through the heart. It was just that her heart was also in the way.

Nobody dared intervene.

@ash4fun has sacrificed themself. They were:


Olympus Suicide Bomber

You have sacrificed yourself once for the gods, burying your brother against the wishes of King Creon, sentencing yourself by the act to a living death. Returned to the world after your death in the cave, you are prepared to do anything to protect divine law.

Once per game, during the day, you may kill yourself and 1 other player.

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

@Appelsiini died by Antigoneā€™s hands! They were:


Olympus 2-shot Bus Driver

The greatest inventor of all time, your machinations have wrought despair everywhere they were constructed. Your newphew and son, Perdix and Icarus, both died by your hands, through anger and foolisness. You unleashed the Minotaur upon the world, and created the horrific labryinth in which you and so many others were imprisoned. Nonetheless, you are possesed with a spark of invention rarely found in mortals, and have been returned from Erebos to redeem yourself.

Twice per game at night, you may target 2 players, redirecting all who target the first player to the second player, and all who target the second player to the first player. You will only be seen visiting the first.

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

Day continues.


Yep and we are fcked

What a surprise, I was right about Appel.

oh look

i told you not to

and this happens