Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

okay so wazza and leafia are both claiming alignment cop
leafia claims 2 shot while wazza claims infinite
as much as i want to believe wazza is fake because of how high power it is, leafia’s claim just seems like it was an attempt to match their claim’s power based off of my claim and estel’s flip

Leafia copping me makes 0 sense

@Vulgard you there? thoughts on intensify? why is he so townlike?

Either way both could still be Town.
So it’s irrelevant.
I am talking about your Playstyle and that it needs improvement, Meta was the wrong choice of term. My bad.
Look everyone has a different way of doing stuff.
The way you think is good might be fuckin dread awful to someone else.
You need to except everyone has a different way of doing stuff.

Yeah I’m aware Wazza I played a fuckin horrible game.
But honest dude your not being really helpful here either.
The only thing you have gotten right this game were your Cop checks.
Yes I admit you have done more then me.
But you haven’t solved that well either.

Ok so let’s put it like this.
Name 4 people you believe to be scum assuming I metaphorically get modkilled right here and now and flip Town.

Give me the 4 Names before day ends.

That’s not an excuse of why this place is town. So yes, it is still relevant.

Did I ever say my playstyle was good? I said it was better than yours.

Yes and I’ve explained why Italy is Town quite allot and think Leafia should be lynched here.


This is the case in Italy I made.


the fact that you don’t think leafia is scum is certainly

Looking at ClonedCheese’s Flip it appears they wanted to frame Appel and me at the same time.

And if not including Italy, then KyoDaz

And then we have a Italy case.
Which unless you have a case on why they are scum then you can just accept my case on Italy.
If your still sceptical on them then just throw them in Null.

Yo Jackass!
Without my name!

Kyo, CRichard, Light and choose another person other then name and Italy

I have like

made an iso of cheese

and like

[quote=“Centuries, post:6199, topic:82422, full:true”]

Can I start the

“Cheese calling someone doing something NAI probably makes them town”


that’s TBE, Light and Estel

I’m trying to figure out if this is NAI towards the people who were inactive during day 1 and I think it’s NAI and that Light is more townie from this?

Does him saying that means he’s shading all the people sharing reads? What are the odds Town is among those, pretty high right

He accetps townies reading him as town really easily and reacts to those posts

This really sounds like pocketting and like seeing his reaction to my shot it probably means CRich is town tbh

This looks like more of a

I’m pushing a townie with genuine arguments than

I’m pushing a scummate and I know they are scum

He doesn’t distance himself enough for me to believe the N0 check is onto scum TWL

Genuine anger means EVO is probably town aswell it makes my TRs even more townie, he doen’t interact with my SRs (I mean Light but he’s greenchecked so probably on me for SRing)

Italy scum? Or shading post mortem? I think Italy looks worse

Seth is town and if you’re pushing for a Seth lynch today then LOL

(Look up this post for like context)


His reaction to Italy being SR’d is like

much weirder

Actally had 5 town lol

[quote=“clonedcheese, post:3152, topic:82422”]


I’m fairly sure this is

on purpose and not genuine

Cheese was a 80 poster not some 0 poster

Kyo looks hella weird ngl :I

[quote=“clonedcheese, post:4209, topic:82422”]


Tinfoil Cloned only uses this emoji when scum talks to him and seeing how TWL and Kyo both only got quoted once by him in 100 posts it could be a scumtell

other option is seth town

First Intensify quote


outstanding move

ok just imagine the quotes are ok