Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Sorry, I was busy sleeping

L1ght, do you want me to end your suffering right now?

Also @TrustworthyLiberal make sure to jail either TBE or Centuries for the night

Do not hammer L1ght until TWL has picked someone to jail and has confirmed it

Want me to put my target?

Was purposefully hiding my target to well make it more useful.

Would rather you didnā€™t

Iā€™m unlimited Messenger

Apprentice Town Lean.

No they didnā€™t.
They got deals.
TWL got some weird double deal thing Marshal made.
You got Information.

Was mine a deal or info or both?

I think both lol.

I receive the same message you do.

Apprentice scum with Light

Sadly get nothing out of it to confirm it.
You know i would hope that tomorrow the info or deal actually does something.

Everyone stop talking

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You get the same message?

Big Sad.

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End of Day Votecount

Accused Voters No. of Votes
oB_L1ght Apprentice, Wazza, Zone_Q11, TrustworthyLiberal, TheBlueElixir, ModeShifter 6/6
Apprentice ob_L1ght 1/6
Not Voting Italy, Intensify, Centuries, sulit 4

thats hammer

Flip Incoming.

1 Like

@Aelin has been executed! He wasā€¦


Titan Dreaming God

You are Kronos, king of Titans. Long ago, at the behest of Gaia, you killed your father, his blood spilling across the earth and creating all the great monsters of the world. You are the origin of the upstart Olypmians. They defeated you, and trapped you in Tartarus, but you have escaped, and have gathered together the Titans and Giants, great sons and daughters of Gaia, to reclam your glory. Neither mortal nor divine may stand in your way.

Each night, you may call on one of your allies to aid you. Select one of the following effects from this list. They will have varying degrees of power and most of these will help you in some way. You can not call on the same ally twice.

  • Mnemosyne
  • Perses
  • Menoetius
  • Phoebe
  • Theia
  • Themis
  • Calypso
  • Metis
  • Tartarus
  • Pontus
  • Rhea (Iā€™d recommend against this one. Sheā€™s still pretty mad at you for eating her kids)

Defeat Olympus and any neutrals that stand in your way

Night 4 has begun and will end in 24 hours, at 2020-07-01T00:15:00Z. Actions will lock an hour before then.

The time had come. The Olympian army stood before the stolid mountains of Delphi, the pillars of the prophetessā€™s temple dribbled faintly with the skyā€™s blight. But most of all, they noticed the great serpent Python, a being of malevolance that long ago clogged the Oracle before he was killed by Apollo. All hope seemed lost. Noticing the army, the beast attacked. In itsā€™ serpentine onslaught, chaos broke out, horses bolted, supplies burned. But suddenly, the army noticed something.

ā€œHeā€™s not attacking that one!ā€ a soldier shouted. ā€œThat guy must be a Titan spy!ā€ The soldiers rushed towards the figure at the center of the serpentā€™s malestrom. The figure sharply swung his hand up like a broken clockhand, and the soldiers were swept off their feet and spluttered with poison. The cloak fell away from the manā€™s face, and he began to expand. A great ethereal beard sprouted from his face as his shoulders bulged with muscles. And in the hand, clutched delicately yet firmly, was a great sycthe. It was none other than Kronos himself, king of the Titans.

The battle was long, and arduous. Even weakened by his time in the grip of Tartarus, Kronos was a being of frightening power, his scythe cutting through people and seconds alike. The clouds seemed to darken further. And then, suddenly, the dark clouds above rumbled, not with thunder but with something more diabolic. Kronos looked up and saw the subtle rake forming through the clouds, and, fr the first time, gulped in grim determination.

At that moment, the great Titan King was stabbed through the heart. He fell forward, stunned, and then through the earth, back to the great pit. The celebration was long and great. Python, seeing the Titan slain, retreated deep into the Oracleā€™s cave, to be picked off by Apollo once more later. But something nagged at the leaders of the Olympian army. The clouds had not changed. Some pernicious influence remained in the mortal world, and it had to be eliminated.

They could not disband yet.