Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Fool game was fantastic atleast. Anyways, time to defend myself, first of all Maximus Prime, mind explaining to me what was so scummy about what I did?

Ok so it looks like Maximus Prime not alive right now, anyone else want to explain what was so scummy about my moves?

I think Maximus thought you were flip flopping concerning your vote on Italy.
As in he probably thinks if youā€™re scum that youā€™re trying to save him by taking his vote off him.
Iā€™ll let him explain himself better if Iā€™ve misunderstood his read on your actions.

Well ok, while I see a valid reason, thereā€™s actually something clearly contradicting in that thinking

Intensify Iā€™m aware that you do weird things as town, so Iā€™m not going to scum read you because of your flip flop on Italy alone.
Though I donā€™t blame Maximus for being a little uneasy about your slot.

I donā€™t quite follow this, perhaps you can walk me through what you mean in your own words if you donā€™t mind.

What I meant was that while I can see a town thinking Iā€™m scum based on that reasoning, that same reasoning actually conflicts with itself and does not make sense if you consider the possibilities

Most of those arenā€™t really reads so much as speculations on mechanics.

Anyways, if Iā€™m really pushed to the edge, I will probably claim my class

Donā€™t make the same mistake I did; Scum have fakeclaims anyway.

Yes but have you seen me

I tend to claim some stupid stuff, so most of my claims arenā€™t garunteed

Hmmm I think I know what you mean there.
I donā€™t think your answers are bad here.

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I thought intensityā€™s huge wall was towny

scum have flavor fakeclaims

Reads list! (bc I need to read more than like 2 ppl)


  • me


  • Estel - iso oozes delicious gamesolving! Super clear trains of thought, very hard to fake!


  • Wazza - fair bit of pushing and trying to help other people refine their reads. Doesnā€™t seem super agenda-driven, just trying to understand the game.


  • EVO - Taking the game pretty casually, some pretty good sorting. Nothing locktown-level, but pretty good so far.

  • appelsiini - Some good reading, good progressions. Everything is fakable, but I donā€™t really get that impression.


  • Apprentice - A lot of talk related to other mafia games, less on this game. But what there is, itā€™s a pretty reasonable thought progression.

  • oB_L1ght - not a huge density of content, seems pretty open with his reads (even though I sometimes disagree). I feel like I can see what heā€™s thinking though, lots of good progression.

  • sulit - interested in the game, making reads, asking questions. Not a whole lot going either way, but seems pretty open and honest.

  • TrustworthyLiberal - Not a lot of reads, feels sheepy. A lot of posts feel like they come from a town perspective though.

  • KyoDaz - Lots of opinions, many are pretty contrarian. Seems pretty eager to shoot down other peopleā€™s opinions though.

  • Centuries - Lots of opinions, most are pretty mild. Doesnā€™t seem to be too willing to disagree with people. Amount of posting/amount of effort is not great, but alright. nothing really pushing this either way.


  • an_gorta_pratai - not much of anything

  • TornadoX - zero posts

  • MaximusPrime - zero posts

  • Bluestorm - zero posts


  • Italy - 18 posts of literal nothing. Nagl, but unless other people have meta to say otherwise, not super scummy either. Wagon feels like LHF.

  • TheBlueElixir - Seems much more interested in what people think of slots than the slots themselves. Lots of questions, only occasional unsupported reads.

  • Intensify - This is wierd. Seems super familiar with how the game works, but doesnā€™t know common acronyms?? Reads are kinda meh, and Iā€™m inclined to think itā€™s lazy vs actually inexperienced.

  • PokemonKidRyan - Refuses to acknowledge votes as anything but pressure, dismisses pressure. No attempt at reading or solving slots.


  • CRichard568 - Made some pretty bad posts earlier, but I can see a possible town motivation. Nagl that he was constantly misrepresenting the arguments against him.

  • clonedcheese - Quite a lot of info-instead-of-analysis, otherwise doesnā€™t seem to care about the game very much.

  • Mist1422 - Interaction with CRich seems disingenuous. Seems more interested in showing him to be scum than trying to understand or deescalate.


  • Hippoyeetus - like 70% $#@!posting, a fair number of naked votes, but no real reads or viewpoints on slots. Could be lazy town but probably W.

  • ModeShifter - Zero attempt to gamesolve and actively distracting thread from gamesolving. Zero reads. (except one very noncommital association.) Yeet today.

please, please, PLEASE interact with me on these reads.

If possible, I would like EVERYONE to be voting by 2020-06-21T11:00:00Z. Even if your reads suck, we want to know your opinion. The last 6 hours we can hopefully use to consolidate wagons and have some proper EoD action.

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you arenā€™t the first person to forget i was even in the game
you arenā€™t the first and you probably wonā€™t be the last



Not exactly read into them, but Kyo seems wolfy to me, Estel is a Null for me and yes you did sheep me.

Weā€™ve still got time in the day, why are you asking me this?

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Oh my goodness someone actually acknowledges this possibility?
At least I know for sure youā€™re trying to solve the game here.