Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Claim, Italy. Or you will be lynched by the end of the day, usually I don’t rolefish like this but we ain’t got a choice at this point.

broken pencils have more points than a sharpened one
unsharpened is probably better

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…He just claimed Watcher.

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What Watcher, may I ask, Italy?

Why is Italy hardclaiming something instead of just… acting like a town?

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We all want him to claim otherwise he’s gonna die.
And based on this claim, I see him dying either way.

you see i know what you’re asking
but the question is do i answer it
or do i leave the wolves questioning how powerful this setup is

Readslists or not you don’t need one to vote.

That’s false.

I’ve stated I Scum Read you

I have mechanical reasons to be mildly skeptical of Italy’s claim but they’re not particularly solid or anything, I think everything else about Italy is a better reason to elim him.


Remember when you shot me during the Day when I told you to because I didn’t have a vote?
I do, and guess what? We were both Town.

I also I’m sceptical of Ash/Wazza/CRich

Not directly liking ClonedCheese and PKR’s posts.

You’ve still not explained why you think I’m scummy, you know.

i know what reasons you’re talking about
and there’s a reason i haven’t pointed that part out

I’m meh on TBE.
If your scum I think TBE is more likely scum based on the fact you put TBE as “Elixir” which might be his discord name aka angle shooting.

What’s your point here?

Your vote on Centuries.