Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

The only way you vote me without saying anything is by doing one thing.
What do you think that thing is?

Yeah, this feels underpowered, especially to most roles that would usually exist in a game like this.

You didnā€™t respond to me, either so donā€™t ask others to respond to you.

Wouldnā€™t the same thing apply for scum here?
Whatā€™s your point on this?

I didā€¦
Did I miss something?

First of all, hypocritcal.
Second of all, when I asked you to elaborate yourself, your attitude was ā€œIā€™m not one to be a good player in expanding on stuffā€
Thirdly your claim in itself feels so off. You claimed a greencheck after TL already outed a greencheck and claimed it on TL. I highly doubt you N0 or early day choose TL as your target for a check and then wait before outing it as it seemed pointless.
Fourth, you say you suspect people and do not like tones but do not ā€œelaborateā€ on it yourself. It is annoying and honestly indicative of your scum games.

The only one I didnā€™t respond to was Elbirn and that was because Iā€™d have to do ISO work to answer him and I was too busy today.

You know Iā€™m not fuckin good at communicating.
HOW do you want me to elaborate?

I can confirm my role as well

What about certain peopleā€™s tones feel off this game?

Scum donā€™t know how powerful our roles are, I donā€™t believe. It doesnā€™t state they get a rolecard example on the OP.

Yes you did miss something.

Also if you can, then get on with it.
Chop chop.

Itā€™s slightly stronger than my role.

ā€¦This kind of makes me mildly nervous about Wazza if we assume a roughly equal power level across town roles.

Off-topic, but you literally managed to get all but one letter of my name wrong.


I think Italyā€™s role feels underpowered too.

The posts that you and Cloned made didnā€™t feel genuine.
I didnā€™t like Ashā€™s case plus I didnā€™t like some of their interactions.
CRichard is more of a straight out gut that something is off.
I canā€™t remember exactly what is was but something Elbirn said made me read him scummy.
Wazzaā€™s vote on Centuries and some of their responses felt scummy.

Iā€™m slightly basing off my role and roles in FoL.

I was more pointing to roles like in FoL, two shot watcher makes them useless from N2.

What responses? Quote them, show everyone those responses youā€™re on about.

Could be thereā€™s just a really wide power differential between some roles.

(We should stop talking about this now, if everyone compares their power level to Italyā€™s roleclaimā€™s power level it tells scum who to target.)

How so? Which posts?
Quote them.
Quoting posts brings elaboration when using your statement together with it.

if these posts arenā€™t genuine then when have I ever been genuine

Iā€™m gonna sleep and sadly wonā€™t be here for EoD

any last minute reads I should do before I make my vote

any interesting peoples to ISO