Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Compare to other roles, shall we.

We almost definitely have a Sheriff like role in this game, which will more than likely have a nice powerful ability that’s infinite use.
Additionally, we almost definitely have a Bodyguard like role and a Doctor like role, two powerful healers that will almost definitely have infinite uses.
Then we will have a Watcher, who’s pretty powerful with it’s targets, who will more than likely have infinite uses.

This seems like a slip-up on Italy’s part for underestimating our roles. Is your role more or less powerful than Italy’s?


Don’t answer this if you haven’t already, it literally only serves to out who the strong roles are.

Cop is a broken role that only exists because town sucks

Like I don’t even know why we’re talking about that

Well no

Also holy fuck are we really going to compare the power level of town of salem and forum mafia roles LMAOO

That’s like rolefishing so hard lmaooo

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And as for this part, it’s a Dreaming Gods setup, meaning after the first lynch, Scum will definitely see the powerfulness of our roles based on that, they get flavours, yes but that’s all they get, nothing more, nothing less according to the OP. The Dreaming God we have will almost definitely shine out otherwise it’s quite pointless. Additionally compared to the class Italy showed, my role shows to be quite a lot better.

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In any case, I have to go to sleep; I’ll be around about an hour before the end of the day.

Quietly laughs
Oh boy, you were joking, right?

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SFoL 28 cop I mean Paladin. Finds Sellsword and all the cultists.

Cop is incredibly bastard as a role and don’t even try to say it’s a balanced role

Even nerfed cops are strong roles so don’t even try and imagine how broken vanilla cop is

This is so bullshit who cares about how strong your role is not every role is made to be good and the person making the setup definetly added roles that only serve as padding to fill the amount of player

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Also why is thread getting derailed into this I don’t even care drop this conversation you cant convince me that y’all claiming your role’s “power level” is a pro town thing

It… is not bastard.
Like at all.

But k. You do you.

ramen at 2 am

Any Town player can literally see their role and see ‘Oh hey, that’s a lot better’.

That’s not true…like at all, cop exists for mechanical confirmation. If Town sucks so cop role exists, why would a framer role exist.

Already stated above, it’s D1, they don’t know our powerlevels just yet until a Town is killed.

Yes because Town of Salem is a great example on how to understand roles and how they work. Not to mention they’re easier to use and explain than say ToL roles who have 2 abilities instead of 1.

If you think that’s rolefishing I don’t think you’ve ever went fishing.

If I wanted to rolefish, I would blatantly say that, exactly what I did with Italy when I literally said. ‘When you get back, I will rolefish you.’

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This argument is so stupid

Framer exists because Cop exists

Miller exists because Cop exists

Rolecop exists because Cop exists

All the modified cops exist because Cop exists

Once again this discussion has no use taking place and honestly I

i’ve just been making ramen this entire time watching this conversation honestly

I really don’t know why you’re doing this

Wazza is town, like honestly, I am sure of that.

This isn’t even close to bullshit, the only bullshit here is your stupidity and your very obvious defending of Italy and Mode right now. Not only were you involved in the N0 check thing with Mode, which ultimately makes you more suspicious based on this, you’re also trying to turn around a very clear point to make me look worse and it’s so obvious.

Because we’re discussing the game mechanics. This game allows for that sort of thing so I’m taking advantage of it before it’s too late. Sorry that your dumbass doesn’t have a townrole that you can fake to right now. And it’s not derailng if you’re staying on the topic of the game while people like you, especially earlier, were memeing so hard and you call this derailing?

‘Cop exists because Town are bad’

Framer and Miller would not need to exist then because then that would get against the Town because they would worry. Calling Town bad isn’t going to help your case whatsoever.