Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

If you could stop buddying with him (same goes for EVO) it’d greatly help town

We agree on something, what’s the problem, Cent? Why are you scared?

Then actually push for something related to my slot

All you do is shade my slot

You never push you just sit there

This isn’t an attack you do nothing

Alright, change of topic

Can you talk about your scumreads

(Talking to Cent here but everyone is free to answer)

You already asked me this and I dropped you an entire read list but honestly I have no extra strong SRs but I certainly wouldn’t mind pushing people who are in the last block of my list

Centuries, why is Seth so high on your list?

He tries to solve at least and it’s already quite a lot coming from him even if it’s mostly him being wrong on stuff

I’m going to attack your slot instead of voting it because I still see Mode as a better vote.

Italy is not getting away with this imo, so hammer that pizza plz ~

Wazza and PKR are after mode, which is unusual considering they know he would do this as town,
so I’m a little suspicious ◇

I was gonna do a giant wallpost but I lost interest.

All Reasons Stated Here were copy and pasted from my vote post.

First of all, the fact he calls players scum, don’t explain it and keeps telling people to vote. People voting is a good way to cause a quickhammer, may be D1 but it’s still possible.
Second of all, his horrible push on PKR, not only does he vote PKR for ‘scumslipping’ but he votes him purely out of spite, not to mention PKR’s scumslip is literally him talking about the fact that me, additionally he talks about how PKR brought up a point about hoping Seth doesn’t have KP, and unlike when I talked about it, Seth gets annoyed about it instead of how he reacted towards me.
Third of all, PKR talked about how Italy’s claim is underpowered compared to mine and his own role, and he uses this as evidence against PKR despite 5 minutes prior I was literally talking about how my role is more powerful than Italy’s which makes him suspicious.
Fourth of all, he was involved in a 3-way Townlock lie where all players claimed to have N0’s, which confused Town, especially later on when we found out they were all fake as fuck, claiming Townlocks with multiple players is a really quick way to cause yourself to be scummy when one of those players flip scum and Mode ain’t so much of a meme player and I know that for a fact.

I did do one on Mode and the reasons why he is a good CFD target.

I meant more as to why you scumread them, but bleh.

Then actually push for stuff all you’ve done so far is

– Say me & light was scum theater

– Call me wrong on a dumb non game related argument because I refused to have the discussion take over thread over whether or not cop is a broken role or not

Those are valid thoughts to contribute, no?

You haven’t claimed, have you? Confused about this one

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Bro I don’t care he can think whatever about vanilla cop but he’s taking over thread which is so bad

EVO & PKR it’s for existing in thread without doing anything

Mist it’s mostly for like most of what I remember from him is doing self meta and saying “oh me posting means I’m town” but id need to sio

Gorta and Cheese it’s for being the worse lowposters out of everyone and really not trying

Estel I have a few posts but I wouldn’t push for a Estel lynch and id need to iso

These are valid reasons, but what info do you think we’ll get from his flip? Is it worth losing another check?

…I’m aware how my role is more powerful than Italy’s though?

And you have been deflecting blame from your RT onto other(s), losing your temper and credibility and topped it off with a random vote switch to deflect your blame further ♤