Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

secret wolfread


blueelixer is scum, he’s fallen off lately and I don’t like his push on italy that much

Thats kind of what is redeeming him for me, why is this a problem?

from what I’m remembering it came at a time when a lot of other people were switching onto italy, and I think it could have been used as an excuse to switch off of a push he couldn’t keep up

I would say that's a spicy read but...

I actually think Elixir has a lot of Neutral-equity, and is probably some kind of Neutral. Don’t see much groupscum-equity though.

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TBE as a neutral isn’t entirely far fetched here. I mean Mist isn’t wrong pointing out TBE seems to have vanished.

now that is some REAL spice but also aren’t like half of your scumreads neutral reads

I’ve never seen a TBE scum game. It might be his first scum game for all we know :thinking: .

Actually, the two I mentioned were the only ones. Elixir has been there as a Neutral when I made the list, but I’d rather not go neut-hunting this early.

As much as I’m not a fan of activity reads here, TBE being inactive is a little odd as I seem remember TBE tends to be quite active as a townie.

If TBE keeps this up, wagoning him wouldn’t be a bad idea D2.

he mentioned that he had never played scum before yeah

Which is true. As I’ve said before I’ve never seen TBE play as scum.

my issue isn’t exactly with his activity but that he disappeared for 8 hours, made one post, then disappeared for 10 hours again

We’ll see how things go.

Mist, Elixir was the first to properly point out Italy’s inactivity and one of the first ones to vote him. What do you take of this?

I think there are better options for D2 personally ♤

Yeah I get what you mean there.
I’d rather hear from TBE what he was doing when that was happening.

Also, could you walk me through your thought process more in-depth here?

Intensity and Maximus have some interesting interactions, I would like more attention on them at some point ~

Wazza and PKR have an interesting dynamic as well

I’m not saying TBE should be the D2 jettison 100%. I’m more interesting in seeing what he does in response to a wagon on him. As far as I can tell, I’ve never seen TBE being wagoned before.

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Hmm~ What do you think says about their alignments?

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