Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Hey, now that you’re alive, counteract my posts on why I voted you.

What does this mean?

you haven’t seen my scum game then lul

I’ll answer TBE questions shortly lemme get to a computer

It means you have both of your metas the same.

First Off, if you let someone sit there and look pretty there’s no way in hell you can catch them as scum.
Second, my push on PKR is because his tone scum and continues to be as such
(Plus he seems to mention us as TvT allot because he knows I’m going to flip T and he wants to try and make it seem he’s also T and claim I’m stupid but I’m smart and he’s goinf to try and pocket you if your Town.)
It doesn’t make Italy sus. Sometimes roles won’t be as strong as other roles. Take an IC and Bulletproof for example. Just let Italy prove themselves. They also don’t lie about their role if they were scum Watcher they claim it or what ever scum role they are they claim the Town equivalent.
When did PKR have a N0 Check?
I don’t remember that.
I know I did.

It was Me, TWL and Centuries.


i be here

what need be done

Italy one should be fuckin obvious if you’ve paid attention to me and if you haven’t then you have no right to comment on my reads if you didn’t read about them before hand.

Light is Null Town. His posts aren’t directly scummy so that’s why I keep him there.

Suilt because I don’t find them to be directly scummy either but not high Town either, same as Light.

CRichard as I explained before it’s more that my Gut is telling me something was off with the Him/Ash interaction and his responses towards others.

I can’t remember Hippo.
I had him there in my last readslist.
Not sure why you didn’t mention it then.


What do you think about Mode’s readlist

Maybe look at my other one and some of my posts in my ISO talking about specific individuals before you complain about my reads making it look like it’s something so “shocking”.

Yeah I’m changing my reads up

I’m moving Apple

More scum

It seems to me like all Apple did was take Reads the others and themselves my disagree with and ask about them without actually considering to look at my ISO before hand.



Are these mutually exclusive or do you believe that this can be W/W


Am I missing something here


fairly trusting of Italy’s claim

This goes in the “questionable” category for now

There are 15+ other active people. My memory isn’t great.

Your choice of words stand out. Are they indirectly scummy then? Scum don’t usually openwolf D1 so indirect scumminess is what we should be looking for.

Fair enough.

I just don’t like this post, the anyway feels like an “oh well” sort of thing that doesn’t really make sense if he cares about pushing italy