Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Well I haven’t made a full ISO case on him but allot of the stuff he said didn’t feel right. His tone was bad. Some of his posts could have been said better and it seemed as if he was trying to make us seem TvT as he was hoping I would be lynched so he can say It was a TvT thing.

Italy is usually like this regardless of alignment and if Italy chooses the right person tonight to Watch they become confirmed Town.

For the record, this isn’t because I townlean Mode, it’s because I think that his reasons for pushing the wagon are bad and that his push reads like a push that he’s not actually expecting to flip scum.

Think about it though.
PKR flipping scum gives us allot of information.


Accused Voters Votes
Italy EVO, Intensify, TheBlueElixir 3/13
ModeShifter PKR, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, clonedcheese 4/13
Appelsiini sulit 1/13
Hippoyeetus ash4fun, Apprentice 2/13
Intensify MaximusPrime 1/13
an_gorta_pratai Mist1422 1/13
Mist1422 Crichard564, KyoDaz 2/13
sulit Hippoyeetus 1/13
clonedcheese Appelsiini 1/13
PokemonKidRyan Estel, ModeShifter 2/13

Epic host flavor from marshal

Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC.

AHHH Im sorry i’m gonna just make a voting thread like CFM for tommorow

Ok but why can’t Italy just try to do something townie? I’m probably going to be a hypocrite for this, but Italy could’ve done something townie instead just relying on their claim

Italy flipping scum gives us nothing and flipping Town gives us a lost Watcher that we no longer have.

… Fine


Is this correct?

Italy in general doesn’t have that of a strong
You’d have to read their past games I guess but they are a very easy mislynch.
I usually find them more helpful late game then early game.

Fine, but who are we voting?


Your Scum Null.

/vote PKR

If Italy isn’t confirmed by tonight, I am pushing him tommorow

did you just unironically say “just be towny”



Vote PKR

What the votecount looking like right now?