Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Wasn’t Wazza or someone having some sort of beef with Hippo? I forgot who

Parity cop?

Hippo is my redcheck, yes. I found him as not-Olympus N1.

I’m not going to claim my exact role to avoid the claim vigilante.

Well, time to go look at his interactions with people. I say you should’ve still waited for him to come online and talk with people, to get more info, but no can do.

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regardless, Wazz is there a reason you outted it so early?

OK let me do something first

Let’s not sidetrack the thread because we have a redcheck please
We have two people with a mech confirm on it

Deeds been done


I’m not super interested in evaluating mechanical confirms atm. I am taking note and will consider them later but for now ig I prefer to do normal solving.

To see if Kyo contradicts it.

Instead, Kyo confirms the info, which is pretty interesting.

But yes, let’s stay off this topic, you can place votes on Hippo if you want.

What was that pivot at EoD btw I was at work and saw PKR of all people flip wasn"t expecting that honestly was hoping we would you know kill Italy why is very likely scum.

Either way night kills seem werid mist most likely town KP meaning Anti Claim didn’t go off last night might be really bad version of it or might not exist (says may or may not in OP).

that or a claim is lieing and mafia believed it.

How could I have possibly contradicted your redcheck if I claimed I had a redcheck and not a greencheck :thinking:

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I’m placing mine on Hippo for pressure sakes

also non-zero chance of framer, but w/e

But I will retract it if the votes get a LITTLE too close

Thread is getting sidetracked now zzz
This is why I didn’t want to claim it immediately

Also how many freacking cops do we have?

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A lot apperently

as opposed to gorta?

why do you say this