Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

This is almost than DybuDabu, jesus christ god all mighty, just one more PR for you to fish out

I’m aware he’s probably Town which is why it’s so annoying

yeah they do and they know im town

So do I, but this game I won’t because of a stupid miller class in a game like this.

I hate millers, if you can’t tell.

I’m starting to read into ash’s vote on App as a distancing vote. This guy’s early posts feel performative. Especially this vote.

mafia version of me is godfather too.

The arrow came screaming out quickly. Nobody saw who fired it. But it struck the shoulders of a cloaked man, ripping his cloak off. Around him, mortal and divine shuddered at the sight of Atlas, the great General of the Titans, his hair streaked a blistering white from the effort of holding up the sky. A deafening clarion filled the air. Surrounded and harried on all sides, Atlas took out the arrow from his shoulder, and plunged it into his heart. Better to die than to be forced to carry the sky agian.

@Hippolytus has died. He was:


Titan Right Hand Man

Eons ago, you were a great general, but following your shameful defeat, you were forced by Zeus to hold up the sky itself, to prevent Gaia and Ouranos from creating more children that could challenge the gods’ rule. But you have tricked a poor mortal into holding up the sky, and you can now leave. You have returned to the side of Kronos, and you are going to wreak havoc upon his enemies.

You are the Right Hand Man to the Titan Dreaming God! You know that the Olympus Dreaming God also has a Right Hand Man. If your master is ever about to die, you will die in their place, with your flip cleaned. Your master will appear as town to investigatives while you are alive.

Defeat Olympus and any neutrals that stand in your way

Majority is unaffected. Day continues.




Nice job.
I skimmed Hippo’s ISO and determined he wasn’t posting like someone who had declared to be solvey this game, but I wanted him to post more so he could spew someone.


How WIFOM is the readlist he posted?

I’m guessing somebody’s about to quote it.

fucking gottem

Wazza claiming a redcheck on Hippo, then instantly backing off when Hippo claimed Miller, makes me think there’s a fair amount of bussing equity there.

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Guessing that was a town day vig or something.


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looks at my reads

nods sagely

Huh, I didn’t back off it?

You mean the one that’s literally in alphabetical order?

Hmm well onto the next business, I’m voting for Ash or Apprentice today

this is literally an alphabetical reads list and I just bopped him

He did his early reads in alphabetical order so i thinnk it was a meme ~