Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

no you didnt

and im not reading this

Are you pulling my leg here?

I refuse to acknowledge your claim

I am in denial

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Thatā€™s your choice.

TBE is in the 5 stages of grief.

this is all I know what to post now


I got the hint you were the slank vig but was kinda hoping you didnt claim

from here, please dont claim anything more about your class

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for the rest of us

I am devolving on the spot; I have now said ayayaya

Note for CRich: Never slankvig Vul

also TWL guessing Mist was the vig is a bit ??? in light of this

probably a good look

I rather disbelieve the claim.

I suppose itā€™s possible, but I think itā€™s more likely theyā€™re a tracker or smth

I was softing vig D1 though.

I donā€™t understand the urge to claim ppl have, but it seems townie enough ig to claim cover like that maybe?

Anyways also not looking to off CRich rn. And I donā€™t suppose a real slankvig would be able to off them eitherā€¦ idk

Have you played ToL by chance? Some people here came here from ToL.

People figured there was a slank vig in the setup and I confirmed it. That explains my claim.

CRich can be V

ill hand him it

here you go CRich


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I have not. Orangeandblack5 introduced FM to chief delphi, a FIRST Robotics forum. The mods have since decided to ban the game bc offtopicness, but Iā€™m from there.

what did i miss and why is crich claiming slankvig for no reason

ash I can no longer tell if you legit dont think CRich is legit or trying to cover but I start to doubt covering will work anyway

say something about mechanics

Italy say something

locktown yourself

Uh no Iā€™m not claiming for no reason.
You might want to check the N1 deaths for the reason why.

if Is spam the vote thread can I get a VC :thinking:

i will finish wall in the morning

i am a tired and lazy being