Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I remember calling for a hippo wagon (only apprentice took me up on it tho). Lemme see if I can find it…

Not really a CFD but I think this is the only wagon on him. Here’s the app’s vote. I don’t think anyone else voted him for a serious amount of time



Confirmed town~ish so far

TWL (100/0 until red check is disproven/Seth flips then 75/25 if Seth’s flip isnt what he claims)

Out of his scum meta/trying to play


Strongly think they are town


Person I have the most meta on and think they’re town


Probably town for shooting scum but can be bussing

Apprentice (I also have him in “he’s probably town from meta but maybe needs to solve more” category of my mind

Probably Spewed town


(this is ~ the reasoning)

Hippo voted Suilt and Suilt Voted Appel so I think @Wazza should check Appel tonight or if they want they can check me tonight to confirm me as Town. :upside_down_face:

Appel there too so far

we dont know if there are framers so lets leave it there

Ah sorry I had a brain fart there but I still think 1 or both are scum yes.

Him claiming miller probably means there’s no framer type role

Oh wow, I don’t think I would have ever caught that TMI…

I only did that cause I as half curious about the flavor lol

Anyways I am alive now, anything happen?

note about Hippo

Wazza probably was town from the check but his reaction probably means it wasnt bussing

Here’s the full entry in the readslist. Not sure how I feel about cheese only addressing part of it.

I wanted to focus on cheese’s handle on Hippo’s slot, not yours

Ok so theory time boys, I’m saying that Hippo probably strategized their readlist a bit. I think they intentionally put some of their scumbuddies in the SLs and SNs as cover for them.


I missed understood

it was in alphabetical order

I think it was Apprentice that wanted to CFD Hippo EoD I’m not sure.

bruh, alphabetical reads tho


Hard Disagree on Light and Estel