Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

My opinions haven’t really changed that much though from 10 minutes ago, Maximus probably best lonch target, Ash I wouldn’t lonch because I slightly TL them now

bruh, I think maxi is going to hit V, and appel over here is saying that if it hits V then it’s on my head.

i’m kinda busy here, ree

No, but because your focus during this whole time has been at shading the wagon instead of looking for another person to cuddle, while trying to avoid directly interacting with his slot (which is not something I think a town would do.)
Also I townread/townlean most of those people, which adds to my suspicion. It’s not the fact that you’re doing this, it’s about how you’re doing this.

You have to keep in mind that there were about 8 people or so excluded from that list, either because they were a nullposter or I hadn’t formed an opinion on them yet.

wait no, they didn’t actually say that it’s on me nvm.

But they did say I was a wolf for trying to stop the wagon, even if it’s on V.


I mean… yeah, that’s what I’m saying. The way you’re going on about “trying to prevent it” is scummy.

not all of these are screaming lockscum

but like

they dont sit right

In the end, it’s all about whether or not he even flips V. If he flips W, I’m gonna re-evaluate Intensify hard because they are never T/S imo.

I don’t think I’ve been on at the same time as maxi for enough time to interact with them. Although I have tried.

Re: looking for person to cuddle- I think mode and italy are fine cuddles.

Re: Shading- never looked at it that way. I just noticed the large number of people on the maxi wagon were also on the PKR wagon and don’t like that. I’m not trying to attack the people on the wagon right now; I’m trying to get the people on the wagon off bc I think the wagon is scum-driven.

Maxi certainly doesn’t look good, but neither does the wagon on them. This is my position on the situation.

And I’ve decided that I’m more comfortable reading wagonomics than a lowposter with no wim.

I don’t think either of the major wagons is a hit.

We still have time to CFD to Appel.

Unofficial VC (as of vote-post #52):

Accused Voters No. of Votes
MaximusPrime Crichard564, Intensify, Centuries, ModeShifter, Apprentice, EVO, TheBlueElixir, KyoDaz 8/11
ModeShifter clonedcheese, oB_L1ght, Italy, Wazza, ash4fun 5/11
ash4fun Vulgard, sulit 2/11
Appelsini Estel 1/11
Centuries MaximusPrime 1/11
Not Voting Appelsiini, Bluestorm, TrustworthyLiberal 3

But it seems like y’all aren’t interested in listening to me, so I guess it’s time to wait for the flip.

imagine spending the whole day doing nothing(after Hippo died) only to have 2 potential CFDs at EoD

I might CFD to ash if I thought it could get anywhere

ya know what, since my vote isn’t gonna matter anyways, why not?

/vote appelsini

I meant it more like, talking about his slot. Why he could be town. Why others think he’s a wolf. You’re not directly disagreeing that his behavior is scummy from what I can see, but you’re also failing to take it into consideration when talking about the people on his wagon. I feel like town would’ve done that on some level with this much time on their hands, but you didn’t.

angry appel noises

3 minutes


im staying put

if I die tonight try to read into my one liners

1 minute left… Imma reconsider my reads on Appel during the night if I am able to actually. I’ll see where my conclusions get me

I’ll probably not get to reevaluate Appel tho cause lollazy

Unofficial VC (as of vote-post #53):

Accused Voters No. of Votes
MaximusPrime Crichard564, Intensify, Centuries, ModeShifter, Apprentice, EVO, TheBlueElixir, KyoDaz 8/11
ModeShifter clonedcheese, oB_L1ght, Italy, Wazza 4/11
Appelsini Estel, ash4fun 2/11
ash4fun Vulgard, sulit 2/11
Centuries MaximusPrime 1/11
Not Voting Appelsiini, Bluestorm, TrustworthyLiberal 3