Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

nah bud, you slipped up and it’s clear in this reaction especially.

Cleaning itself is really bad as town.

However if it had been a kill/clean then that is useful for the fact it can save a game.

I could see it would explain so much resistance.


because I dont believe W!Italy as much as I used to, or probably should

How does kill and clean work better than just killing?

Neither do I honestly, but if Italy is scum I do think they’re the dreaming god.

sometimes thats not an option

You’re being stupid, Wazza. You’re essentially confirmed town which is the only reason I’m not going bananas on you right now. Stop being stupid.

I’m not being stupid, you’re the one who outed yourself by mistake.

Do i am saying…

What it is claimed as right now is only a clean bad for town.

But if it was a FORCED clean but kills a player it can be useful.

And, pray tell, how did I out myself? If those four points were your reasoning, I just crushed all of them.

Not sure I see Light’s slip, but him being scum is looking possible.

why do you think Italy/oB has the Titan dreaming god?

its definitely not something to say at random

Ok so I might be getting your message wrong but ok. So basically what you are saying is that cleaning is bad for town, but if it has a benefit of killing, it is good?

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Protip, Leafia.

Don’t interrupt a Reaction Test with a response like that.

Although, this reaction is making me think L1ght really is scum, but not vote worthy.

thats a contradiction


I want you to get here.

Oh boy a RT… jezuz

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No it isn’t.