Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

it do be a social deduction game

Anyways not much activity in chat, this is annoying…
I have a secret… and it might do a crappy job of mechconfirming a certain group of people later down the line

what if I said shtap

I said this before thats way to many cop claims.

Ok so basically, my big info is that…

I just had a thought…

If TBE is right that the “offer” is just a scam setup by ModeShifter, and he’s actually only a messanger… Where th did he get his n0 check from?

I think Italy/Estel reasonably confirm each other

the others are a bit more eh

He resended i beleve D1 i was told D2 by i think Wazza about that

he literally sent to wazza ‘Marshal is the best host’

So Seth sent a message to Wazza saying “Marhsal is best host?”

I am unsure honestly and would rather read Italy on actions over claim but i see your point.
Also look back Wazza claims Cop no limits it seems Leafy claims 2-shot cop which i don’t beleve.

Upon leafy flippin scum would this no prove scum most likely knew or had a hint at 2-shot invests of some sort?

Also Mode has been decending honestly in my town reads end of yesterday start of today.

I remember them claiming cop, but I don’t remember them claiming how many shots/

Wazza likely has a restriction

I wanna know what it is though - I dont really buy it if it doesnt have on

Leafia claimed 2 shot?

Thats why i stated no limits and he claims to be stronger so that is my interputation.

Yes they did and they 'Claim" one on cent last night and seemeed adamet to live to use one tonight.

Sry for the pong, but TWL says you claim two shot cop, is this correct?

Leafia is asleep

will prob respond in morning though

I know, I’m just ponging Leefy cause lol

Here you go the claim of two shots