Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I wish I had an ITA or a dayvig so I could get a wolfread killed and finally have people listen to me when they flip red.

Who would you kill

Number one priority?

Ash. I voted him yesterday, Iā€™m still voting him today, nothing he posted has changed my mind at all.

Okay, and second next?

ā€œOh, but why are you still alive if your reads are correct? Clearly, they wouldā€™ve killed you!ā€
Nobody is listening to me this game, and Iā€™m lowposting. I have close to 0 thread influence. People just kinda townread me in general.
Wouldnā€™t kill me over people like, I dunno, the damn cop claims, the person who dayvigged a wolf, yā€™know. Just the ones who areā€¦ mech clear? Maybe?
And yet, those people are not dying.
So clearly, one of the people who are ā€œmech clearedā€ should not be mech cleared at all. Perhaps more than one.

Hmm yes Apprentice not dying after killing Hippo is very odd. I wonder why?

Italy and/or cloned. Both slots have significant scum equity by virtue of not doing their towntells despite having a significant amount of time to do so. Italy especially. Claiming 2-shot watcher shouldnā€™t be something to clear him for. Scum can have watchers too.

Nobody who checked/shot Hippo, the only flipped wolf, was killed at night.
Gee, and people wonder why I think someone bussed.

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Which is why Iā€™m trying to wagon cloned. Heā€™s just there and not doing much. ToS 2 and FoL 28 anyone?

What is Cheese towntell?

Isnā€™t it strange that my idea to wagon cheese isnā€™t catching on? Itā€™s almost as though the scum donā€™t want him upped.

Anticlaim is not in play, itā€™s not possible otherwise everyone who are outed, should be dead by now.

Did Kyo even out he checked Hippo before Hippo even died?

He posted a readslist which I told him to do and also tried to do some solving.

Couldā€™ve been IRL things.

Once again I wasnā€™t in that game.

Issues with this is the fact of why would he redo that, additionally why shoot a fellow scum when they can privately shoot another player.
Additionally, there is no point due to the fact that Hippo couldā€™ve been defended as people were believing his miller claim, me included despite still not trusting him.

Please explain the cop claim part.

Uh, you forget the fact we have a missing nightkill.

Did they claim one-shot? If they did then that would be an easy explanation.

Consider Cheese dead

Iā€™ll check to see if they did.
Bed time for me coming up.

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Also, if Kyo is a wolf, claiming a difference check between Oblight/Hippo is a genius move if Ob/Hippo are both scum.

This is true. Still. Would he know that back then? No.

Thereā€™s no explanation to be had. Cop claims should be dying at night and they arenā€™t.


quote=ā€œWazza, post:5512, topic:82422ā€]
Uh, you forget the fact we have a missing nightkill.

How do you know thereā€™s a missing nightkill? Maybe the wolves just have an odd night vig as their bonus KP?

While Iā€™m 100% trusting of Vulgard right there

I still take the blame if it goes wrong 360yolo

Chances are we have an NK imo.

Missing nightkill is a dead giveaway here.