Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

game. Could be scum at this point.

doesnt look like you sent the whole post you meant to

True. It was meant to say He could be scum at this point.

Theories on why I wasnā€™t killed.

I am the missing nightkill but was protected.
I was not attacked due to the fear of me being protected.
I was not attacked for a different reason.
They have a check changing ability that changes my result.
They have a roleblocker that didnā€™t work on me for some reason.
They were scared of Italy who is actually somehow real.
The killer was roleblocked.

I like #3

I smashed my finger earlier today, it still kinda hurts, Iā€™m probably not going to write a lot


Ouch. I hope your finger recovers soon.

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Well ok letā€™s construct this down shall we?

#1 I am the missing nightkill but was protected.
#2 I was not attacked due to the fear of me being protected.
#3 I was not attacked for a different reason.
#4 They have a check changing ability that changes my result.
#5 They have a roleblocker that didnā€™t work on me for some reason.
#6 They were scared of Italy who is actually somehow real.
#7 The killer was roleblocked.

1 - Unlikely, apparently you guys donā€™t heal confirmed people because WiFoM (whatever that means still).
2 - Possible, we donā€™t know how many healers lurk around still, but unlikely due to same reason as number 1, protective probably wouldnā€™t have been on a confirmed person.
3 - We can discuss this later
4 - You have a greencheck, so definitely no mindwarping crap, but also I doubt this one since Vully to you appeared Green and I would TR Vully.
5 - Both Italy and someone else claimed RB, iwith our official RBer dead as well, I doubt they have another roadblocker
6 - They would probably want Italy alive for easy mislonch target
7 - Same reasoning with 5, though I guess the other person who is roadblocked could also be attacker
1 2 and 3 are most plausible, speaking of 3ā€¦/
Here are my theories
1: Something something WiFoM (I forgot what they means rip) and they want to keep you alive to make you look more susp
2: Perhaps your reads didnā€™t include any scum or put scum in danger so they would put you away for now.
3: Uhhh idk actually those were my two theories lol

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1 2 or 3 is the most plausible for me I guess. The others seem a little off.

Wine in Front of Me

for the purposes of protectives, its when you dont heal the confirmed town because scum expect you to heal the confirmed town. But now scum might expect you to not be on the confirmed town, and then the protective might heal the confirmed town because of that, and it keeps going in a loop

Ah so basically
I do this!
Well I do this!
WELL I do that!
Well too bad cause I do this
I activate this tho
Well I activate that tho
Well too bad I summon this
Well bad luck cause I do this

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yeah thats the jist of it

and thats the nicest like ive ever given you

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Cheers for the response to that.

I would respond but Iā€™m feeling kinda sick irl due to a sudden weird DM interaction.

Get better plz


See why I kept trying to wagon Cheese?

Imagine my surprise seeing I was right about cheese being scum, and you guys wouldnā€™t join me in wagoning him. Oh well heā€™s gone thatā€™s what matters.

find a new person to vote now

since cheese is dead

It is done.