Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Anyways I go now, I stay for way too long

@Estel please talk to me.
Were you asking me a question?

I quoted your post and asked you a question about your comment, so yes.

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This post sucks

is this another game where we just default to a dumb JETTISON bc no one is actively scumhunting

metaing someone is bad

lets make it worse

It cant be that bad, right?



Yet youā€™re not telling me why my post sucks :thinking: .
Itā€™s hard to know why it sucks if youā€™re not going to explain whyā€¦

Did you just quote a post written by ModeShifter to use it as meta on CRichard?

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theres no way

I would never

alright maybe

-suggest cop cover
-small talk + easy question
-couple reads

By tone, I think I agree with you that TWL is >rand town. But the evidence youā€™ve cited hardly "isnā€™t from a wolf here." Thereā€™s nothing I see that couldnā€™t be easliy faked imo. I think you might be trying just a little too hard to form a rock-solid opinion that is really unjustifyable at this stage in the game.

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I canā€™t 100% prove to you that my posts donā€™t come from a scum PoV D1 as only I know 100% Iā€™m not scum.
The only way to know either way is by asking questions.

they took a bunch of quotes and gave one liner comments

it looks like a wallpost, but only because of those quotes

Iā€™m not asking about your posts, Iā€™m asking about the Trustworthy posts that you quoted and said definitely didnā€™t come from scum.

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Iā€™m town meta reading Trustworthy Liberal from a past game Iā€™ve had with her.
Not sure if you take much stock in meta reads though.

/vote CRichard564

for taking a position that is imo indefensible without tmi

Itā€™s not TMI, itā€™s a meta read. Canā€™t you read?

I havenā€™t played with any of you, so I donā€™t know what any of your metas are, which makes it difficult to do a meta read!

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Although Iā€™m still listening to anything else you have to say about this read

CRich screams TMI but then I scream its TMI whenever I read it and its never TMI just reaching

him not it