Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

an outted every night cop, when we had odyessus, one of the biggest heros, being a two shot version

and a coasting single use dayvig

i wanna see what he says lol

heck reads Wazza cant exist

Wazza needs to come out now with invest results

Also do we soft claim or nah right now?
Last time we were this low we kinda all claimed


Wazza’s green died last night

we dont claim until the DG does

wait scum already knows my role

uh yeah tbe…

bruh moment

All my reads have been semi accurate so far
EVO and Kyo were in the scum nulls
and Ash and Appel I knew were town

Ok so Imma go off on my reads

man if i like

pushed my reads

except ash all scum

cent being alive kinda

wait cent

are you a PGO

oh that was hecking clever

dont answer

What’s PGO?

paranoid gun owner

veteran from ToS

kinda like if Hunter always killed all of their visitors

DG pool kinda running low on people

Oh PGO ok cool… wait hold on Centuries might have just saved us