Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I mean, all you’re doing is putting a target on your back, but hell, knock yourself out.

Ok ok give me like 5 minutes to find it

don’t say things like that when they wouldn’t be a townslip anyway.

scum would always work around one of their own dying

so yes, it would be

I still refuse to believe your claim exists, but oB/App seem more scummy

Talking about Claims.

We’re clearly in the endgame.

@Centuries I want an explanation of why you lied yesterday.

lol u saw my claim u dont need nothing more

Ok so if I show proof that I’ve been hard claiming healer ever since day 2, will that be enough for you guys?

You told me you were completely something else from what I thought.

no because I have no clue what we’re on about.

Wazza read up
L1ght claims 2 shot healer
I am claiming infinite use even nights healer

I mean I already trust you way more than Light. Proving that you softed it earlier is pretty much insignificant on making me trust you more

I’m revealing it right now, I still have another hidden message somewhere so whatever

Remind me why you couldn’t have just typed a message as scum real quick?

Either way, this isn’t a thunderdome.

My soft ever since day 2

You guys remember those fun facts I did day 2 right? Well there was a secret message in there.

You probably don’t see it so let me make it more obvious
Fun Fact number 1: Hisoka’s bungee gum possesses both the properties of Rubber and Gum.
Fun Fact number 2: E
Fun Fact number 3: At the throne of the underworld, you may think it is Hades who sits upon that throne, but however, it is actually someone more sinister, way scarier. It is the one and only mushroom-planting furball by the name of Teemo… I don’t play League and no one will get this lol
Fun Fact number 4: Lol actually originated from the bible, after Jesus in Acts 29:13 said “Thou shall not cure the person with orange wine, but thou with the sharpest of lols.”
Fun Fact number 5: Experts estimate 90% of my fun facts are lies, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure their mouths will be shut very soon… very soon
Fun Fact number 6: Read every post I make in this thread, even the ones that you think are joke… no seroiusly, even the meme ones, you may find a secret message beween the lines my friend… something as a warning… observe my posts very carefully and you shall unlock the truth… what truth might this be my friend? Well haha… it’s too early for that… but it might be too late for that soon as well… nah I’m just kidding lol… or am I?
Fun Fact number 7: Space is dope. Be an astronaut. Idk why I say this here but lol
Fun Fact number 8: Vulgard under my decree will be named Vully no matter what. If you object, I will smite you and bury you with my own hands under the seas.
Read the first word of every fun fact
H E A L E R Space Vulgard
The first 6 are literally me spelling out Healer and the 7th is me literally saying space as in put in a space and the last one is who I was healing that night, AKA Vulgard
So basically:
Healer Vulgard


There ya go if you had any doubts

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I think oB_L1ght is scum anyway and Kyo ‘greenchecked’ him N1 because if oB_L1ght was lynched and flips Titan DG then Kyo would have an excuse on why he was Greenchecked.

Change my mind.

That’s pretty epic if you ask me.

Or I was intended to flip earlier than this and give Kyo credibility when I flipped town?

every EVO-oB interaction

besides the last one, its all d1

literally they stop interacting after d1

and those interactions are easily w/w
