Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Cause you arn’t confiremed that is just the not confirmed pile

I am limited to four people if i believe your checks and i have to going forward in a 5v1 world cause if you are wrong you are the evil 1.

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It does not, because I am the fucking slankvig who can kill Apprentice.
So even if Apprentice kills and cleans my role, it wouldn’t matter since I will still be able to kill him.


Neutrals have to be here right in the world of cleaned Dreaming Gods as the mafia/titans have a flipped cleaner that CAN’T target Dreaming gods

Neutral if any isn’t Zone that is confirmed by the fact of his kill on Italy.

I mean we have a very good chance of winning just through PoE right? We have 2 executions minimum and there’s almost certainly only 1 scum here

If we are 4v1v1 we have no mislynch options

the game is never 1/3 scum. Like literally 8 scum in a 24p is so fucking imbalanced it never happens

There is only one scum here, and it’s probably either you or Wazza, and I AM GOING TO KILL BOTH.

Wazza has a green on me how the fuck is it me if you think it’s one of us

Out of me and Apprentice, it can only be me or both of us.

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Okay in this world you don’t shoot App i am sorry zone.

If wazza would die and game not ends in the 5v1 world i want to move forward with cause most people beleive it. If we WERE to lynch wazza you would shoot myself or intensity right?

Same goes if you want to talk about Mode being scum.

…wait. You were the one who shot down Hippo…
…then why the hell were TBE and Mode deadset on you?
Isn’t it clear by now that the last scum is a janitor?

Then I will naturally choose to end your life. Duh.

OKAY any opjections to just moving forward think 1 scum alive if not that is the thinking we are doing.

This means Mode and App are confirmed as Wazza can’t be covering for them.

Thanks Sherlock, but then you forget the fact that the highest likely scum is between you and TWL.

In the world of one Scum its not zone right
He has a claimed action last night as a kill on Italy

In the world of one scum, it is Zone.

In the world of multiple scum, we lose.

Infesify can be removed from this list. Could you walk through why you were spewed not neutral please

Or you of course, I’m just deadset on Zone at this point.