Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

which copy of you though

slankvig shot the gladiator and the watcher
both town
nobody else

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wait who shot gorta then

No roles were negative utility

Some were probably more powerful than other but I will maintain this game had ~a 45/45/10 winrate and was just really swingy

Can we get a list of DG abilties? Really curious on that front

Yeah, issue is that these roles were supposed to be our KP + DG shot + slankvig

I mean you donā€™t ever want to be in that position ever anyway so itā€™s fairly bad

gorta was the gladiator

Disagree town never wants to be in the spot to be misyeeted.

And killing yourself for one other if hitting town feels SUPER bad.

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I donā€™t know why Gorta was vigā€™ed, I thought it was pretty obvious that heā€™s the type that canā€™t get on often

and also an entirely acceptable shot


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If thereā€™s a role you cant ever convince me is straight up anti town itā€™s gladiator

Iā€™ve had my experiences with the role its straight up anti town utility wise lmaoo

i donā€™t think any scum was ever actually vigged by town
it was all lynches and wazza

(mostly wazza :eyes:)

me and cent got cheese

I do think I should mention the fact I killed 4 Titans, helped get another one killed and the other one I had nothing to do with.

My fun facts went to wasteā€¦

cloned was vigā€™d by Centuries and that was it

Will state GG Wazza you played well.

Still stand you should have been lynched today.

Cent had a dayvig and killed cheese

Which was also bad luck, as they knew that an Olympus-aligned player would get a dayvig and one of the two people who they knew were Olympus got it

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