Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Like if town played well.

no oneā€™s gonna like that

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Town didnā€™t deserve to win this one ngl

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Dead Interaction existed

i think it goes both ways though
village also gets a big boost in that their strong players wonā€™t be point blank SPKā€™d

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like in this game, me and Apprentice had dead interaction if Apprentice were to die.

i didnt say it didnt

only nominally. once youā€™re in DVC, thereā€™s no way out of it.

bro idk dude

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Oh yeah
Add appy to NK win club please

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Iā€™ll probably publish informed

Uhh uninformed I might personally request to keep unpublished as I was uh very much not a fan of certain rule breaking actions and behavior

Thing is you could actual kinda read him off assosiations with app

Breaking rules bad

Dont do it

I have many newspapers

you should make a town win club bc ive seen 3 nk wins and 0 town wins so far

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Letā€™s trade, I have more town then scum games

Wait, what rules wre broken?

Not for people in deadchat

There were effects that allowed dead to talk to the living (your app thing, a few DG effects) but they never went to deadchat

The whole ā€œIā€™m going to post my classcard and get modkilledā€ thing

I had strong things to say about that


shameless plug