Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I was never outright saying my role LMAO

Like, seriously I donā€™t get it.

I donā€™t really enjoy playing with them, theyā€™re hard to hunt socially, and just donā€™t get the point.

I guess to add more KPN but thereā€™s various other ways to do that.

Maybe Iā€™m just salty idk

yeah about RHM claimvig I wanted to make it really strict

and he wasnā€™t outright claiming it

so I didnā€™t gib the kil

I was legit claiming DG

so ofc i wasnt gonna claim rh

Idea of Neutral Killers too strongly imprinted from FoLs maybe.


Itā€™s too easy to win as neutral, Neutral just bypasses TMI and is never able to be read socially

this is why we should remove NKs from FoL

Yes, replace with 1 more Noot.

The only way to catch an actual Neutral is mechs and most of the time you donā€™t want to mech them because they arenā€™t scummy enough

Like, just always 2 Noots, instead of 1-2 noots and remove NK.

To be fair both neutrals this game had very strong social evidence against them but nobody listened to the dead townies that said so

I donā€™t think anyone ever listens to dead townieā€™s correct reads tbh.

I mean thatā€™s a player issue, and why skillgap in a playerbase isnā€™t really fun

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More like effortgap tbh


Ever since Insurgency I try to quote their reads at least once, I didnā€™t do it this game bc like lol leafia pkr and maxi died without reads

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yeah when some of the town just outright gives up when they are pushed it makes it hard to win as town

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My issue is that, not lynching them is the way to win but scum can just fake that and Iā€™d feel terrible to get AtEā€™d on

I donā€™t think me asking Maxi to read the last 400 posts and give an opinion is that bad to do

Estel wallposting confirms they are Arete.

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