Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

put that on my gravestone
“TBE is a nerd”


Hello my friends and possible enemies when we figure everything out

These are all reasons why you’re not as sure of your scumread on Sulit – why did you have a scumread on them in the first place?


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I am back from sleep and card games

Anyways, I’m going to read up on 1000 posts that I’m lagging behind and record everything, or the important stuff. If you want, I will post a version 1.5 of my wallposts if you want to know about my thinking throughout this whole thread

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It’s probably reasonable to say my thought process doesn’t exist, as I do not actually have braincells

From a non-self-deprecating PoV I don’t see how my ISO was shading people? And I feel like you’re nitpicking with this read

Your profile has conflicting pronouns, no?

Yes… and?


Question implied the purpose of it/which to use

Just use whichever pronoun you feel

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i thought it was super specific and changed depending on if it was a noun etc. oops

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I mean, you’re not wrong. If everything you’re doing is part of a fun>teamwork strategy, I suppose that makes bad play NAI.
Except I refuse to accept that nothing you’re doing is AI, so I’ll read you for what you’re doing, regardless.

iirc TWL was rather commonly townread… a bit curious ig, doesn’t seem genuine.

Creative claim. I have trouble believing that you think claiming D1 is a good idea under not-right-about-to-be-cuddled circumstances. Your supposed action works D1 and N1,2,3…?

It’s my understanding that mech clearing has caused town to lose a fair number of games here… yet you argue you should be towncore’d for it? I guess it’s a logical extension of your (pretty bad) attempt at cop cover, but still…

this is fine.

doesn’t really do anything if anyone can nominate.
if nominations have to be approved, well that’s a whole 'nother issue. Who approves it? You? You could be scum gating everybody from voting deepwolves. Top townies? We’re fallible too, silencing people, right or wrong, only helps scum.


I don’t suppose you caught the glaring hypocrisy here?

This isn’t the only pool you proposed, but you proposing lynch pools that are incredibly restrictive, and not consensus in any way does literally nothing to help town.

first sentence good
lynch pool literally does nothing but restrict townies. Scum can push mislyches even with your littlest pool. Town gets astronomically less information if voting is restricted this way.

providing content =/= town, but…
wolf is wolf is wolf, spews or no. There’s literally so many other ways to get information, this argument is just bad.

This is literally the only actual read I could find, and it’s contingent on a common TR being scum. Being commonly TR’d doesn’t make me not scum, but this noncommittal is astonishing.

This entire iso stinks.

Things I noticed him doing:

  • mech talk
  • claiming for literal no reason
  • voting mech talk (best case scenario, no better than wagons)
  • proposing lynches/accusing
  • proposing contingencies

Things I noticed him NOT doing:

  • giving/forming reads
  • attempting to solve any slot

Literally none of what you’ve done so far helps town in any significant way. Literally none of what you’ve done helps you solve the game.

If anyone has examples of things I’ve claimed he’s not doing, please share. It is remotely possible I missed something. But if Mode is both town and slightly interested in playing the game, these absences make zero sense.

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At first, I thought it was very unlikely sulit’s posts would be coming from town. Then I looked at them again, and thought that they can still come from town after all - especially their response to my questions - albeit they’re still suspicious.

A lot of your SoD was pointing out things in others’ posts, even if they weren’t necessarily scummy. There’s not much to nitpick when there was nothing else to draw conclusions from. I combined that with your answers from my questions, and there you go.

If you’re town, I’ll advice you to interact more with people. You basically going with your gut is a thing I’ll keep in mind, and I’ll gladly question you more later on since your content was, all in all, minimal.

That doesn’t really answer my question, like, why did you think that?

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this must be an attempt to solve a slot clearly


explain why there was a noot read

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To be clear, I am not against the concept of a lynch pool. They can be useful for focusing town energy and, as you said, forcing scum to make tough choices about bussing or not.

But the way you’re going about it is entirely unuseful. Standard wagons accomplish this at least as well. The way you seem to be implimenting it, it restricts information and limits town to 30%-of-D1 reads.

I can’t tell if you mean this unironically, so…

that’s claiming, not solving.

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See above.

That was an afterthought, I wasn’t thinking about alignments and instead thought about each person individually. Mist seemed scummy to me, so I put them where I thought they would belong to.

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