Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

~ Try harder

1 Like


Intensity - wack :skull:
Sulit - :no_mouth:
Appel - :ok_hand:
Hippo - :thinking:
Estel - :roll_eyes:
L1ght - :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Wazza - :eggplant:
Apprentice - :speak_no_evil:
Cloned - :zzz::nail_care:
PKR - :zzz:
Centuries - :nerd_face:
Ash - :innocent:
TornadoX - :zzz:
Maximus - :zzz:
Kyo - :point_left::triumph::point_right:
Bluestorm - :zzz:
Mist - :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
TrustworthyLiberal - :sheep:
ModeShifter - :man_dancing::bath::man_dancing:

/vote Italy and @SirDerpsAlot VC please.

Oh yeah Italy

Italy - wack :skull:


UwU how come?

As much as it annoys me, the RT looks good from a third person PoV. Plus, thereā€™s the whole greencheck chain deal.

ily evo

1 Like

right this wasnā€™t on watching whatā€™s up also whoā€™s evo

Idk, probably some handsome guy

1 Like


Did someone say handsome guy? I think iā€™ve been summoned. Oh also a votecount is incoming.




[quote=ā€œIcibalus, post:1572, topic:82422, full:trueā€]


Accused Voters Votes
Italy Estel, Hippoyeetus, Italy, EVO, Apprentice, Appelsiini, Crichard564 7/13
Crichard564 ClonedCheese 1/13
Centuries Wazza 1/13
ash4fun Modeshifter 1/13
sulit Appelsiini 1/13
PokemonKidRyan TheBlueElixir 1/13
ModeShifter ash4fun 1/13
BlueStorm Intensify 1/13

Epic host flavor from marshal

Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC. Ping me if there are errors in the VC.



Cheese is a 2113 voter confirmed

Is this allowed? /jettison Italy harder.
Boom bye scoom.

Why am I still alive?

Hi pkr

I see you

Greetings, you do indeed.
I did not intend to hide.