Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

With all due respect
Fuck everyone who thinks this

Ppl accuse this of me a lot but i still have no fucking clue what this means

Tend to do this quite regularly


  1. It’s day 1, nobody should be above a townlean
  2. If they’re good enough they can fake this

This whole category is like
Ppl that are contributing but not much
Why this acceptable

Oh boy
You’re in for a treat

Isnt this normal

  1. Spoken like a true CD’er
  2. This is usually not a scumtell lmao


Overall i think this readlist is meh in terms of accurate analysis, but i think this comes from town

Suppose you had a choice between jettisoning someone other than Italy.
Who would you choose right now if you’re able to convince everyone in this thread to vote that person out?

mindmeld nice

Point it out for me, it just might change my mind

Given that we have evidence from all Italy’s scumgames to prove this, why do you disagree?

We already gained what we got from Centuries and no matter if he’s Town or Scum, he won’t give us new information upon a flip. You should be able to tell that considering he’s ‘active’. You clearly haven’t read anything.

You’ve made everyone in this game target/dislike you and or propose the idea for you to be lynched. If it continues we’re bound to get more clear information on your alignment and others if we wait it out for longer, while I do think you’re scum if there’s a scum in Ash/You and I do scumlean you, I can very easily watch you flip Town and then we lose valuable information. If we wait it out we can gain more information for what we do if you were to flip Town, if you get what I mean. TL;DR: I want to make it a more safer route to lynch Richard then lynching him now and lose quite good info we already have on him.

I’m not relying on him, I’m getting him to help out with it, since if he were scum and specifically scum with Apprentice he can just make up stuff and we would sheep it more than RM4.

Hm, that’s a good question. My reads have been changing a lot from reading up a couple hundred, but at this point, I’d say Seth. He hasn’t been contributing whatsoever, and at the very worst, we get a confirm on both TL and Centuries.

I already did - Slanking is NAI for Italy, they just happen to roll scum like every game

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Here’s my case: ToS2


explain these

your only TR. Anything specific that jumps out at you?

all I remember is pushing Cent and Hippo

what makes you think agenda had nothing to do with it?

is taking it casually town-AI?

interested in the game is a new take and the latter two are literally majority of anyone with over 50 posts

he is topposter

do you think he’s been really pushing agenda in those posts

^^^ this one, are you SLing them because they didnt know acronyms?

its their second game

I believe someone TL’d them for exactly this - interaction w/CRich

what stood out

the beacon of it all

explain. Are asking question scummy? Are asking slots for reads scummy? Are the fact I didnt give half-hearted reasoning for everyone and instead specifically asked for questions about my stances scummy?

all of the above i consider NAI at worse.


odd that these are mostly lowposters but w/e

note about oB’s spew-Italy thing:

its not stupid. I cant say its a great idea, but the wagon does now lack resistance, but its also bus Italy lol

unfortuanetly I just caught up at exactly midnight so I wont be saying but answer

Reading through his iso, he’s asking questions and making pushes, and I feel like I just understand his progressions super well. I’m aware that it is possible to fake good progressions, but idk, even when I disagree with something I can totally see how he got there.

About wazza, a lot of it is in the questions. His questions seem good for forcing people to think hard about their positions, and they help solve based on how people respond. This sort of thing is kinda dangerous if done by wolf pushing agenda, but I don’t get that “vibe” from this at all.

Yeah well did I expect to be liked here?

Am I to assume you read my interaction with Ash as a W/W one?
Let me know if I’m misunderstanding you here.

At least you’re open to the possibility I’m a villager. Some villager points into your account :sunglasses: .

I see your point, even though i disagree with it as it results in me getting killed.

What would make you say “Do not lynch CRichard under any circumstances?”
I’m looking forward to an answer from you.

It’s ok cheese. Wazza and I are having a friendly chat here.

  1. evidence from all Italy’s towngames

Slanking is never AI for anyone; if it is a clear pattern, that is blacklist material. Not posting a lot is a regular trend that is dictated by their life, not their role.

I’m going to continue to yell at people who think this way :angry:

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…What would have to be different of Centuries for you to think that his flip gives us information?

Like, I don’t want Centuries elim’d either, but because I have them as a townlean, not because of how much “info” their flip would or wouldn’t give.

Italy does have noticeable town tells as well if you know what to look for

Town Italy is usually productive and tries to solve

this is fine, and calling him out for not doing that is fine

Scum Italy Slanks

very not fine

fuck you too system