Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

I mean you were widely townread so they could’ve just yeeted it

me trying to figure out if thats a claim without asking

Ok so I’m just pre typing all of this out on notepads.

I’m at work on break using data so I won’t be able to respond to anything until I get home.
Just want to bring up a case on why Appel is most likely scum and why Italy is almost always Town.

So the Nightkills have been on both Mist and Estel.
Whom both of those night Kills makes no sense except if Appel is Mafia.
Meaning that either Mafia wants to kill randomly. Wants to get rid of players who aren’t scum reading me, wants to frame Appel or Appel is scum directing these night kills.

Estel also flipped (2-Shot Tracker)

Making Italy’s Claim Legit.

Now I know what your going to say
“Seth! This doesn’t mean Italy is Town!”
Your absolutely correct.
This point here doesn’t mean Italy is Town but rather means they are 2-Shot Watcher based on the Estel Flip.

But now here’s why Italy is Town.
During day 1 there was no resistance to the Italy wagon and no counterwagon until I intervened and then I became the CW and made a third one at EoD on PKR my highest scum read at the time.

Now here’s something else to bring up.
Centuries got Vanilized and Became Voteless.
Meaning 2 Titans targeted Centuries last night.
Also makes you wonder why they didn’t target Wazza with it.

The answer? Italy is Town.

Chances are Italy would have been on Wazza during the night.
Meaning, if they chose Wazza, Italy would have seen the Titans visit them.
So they needed to choose someone else?
Now why Centuries?
Well. Italy wouldn’t be on them.
Centuries views me as Town and votes with me rather then against me.
Getting rid of Centuries makes it so that’s 1 less Vote they have to worry about to get me lynched.
Also since it’s someone Italy wouldn’t watch it makes the perfect target for them.

Alright so that’s pretty much all I wanted to say.
I’ll see you all after work.

appel is dead

flipped town

Them using ability on me clearing shows they were aiming for DG

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Isn’t it more likely that they were aiming to completely cripple the DG?

wonder who these were on

-now back from setting up ping pong table-


its a claim then

probably shoulda waited for the next day as we have a dead odd night protective but w/e

We lost our transporter which sucks a lot

they claimed to have questionable mech info

maybe they tried to transport estel and failed for some reason, or scum hit the other end

its all tinfoil but its interesting

a bus driver with info about EVO


Hmmm EVO explain yourself plz

dunno how EVO would know…

an Estel/EVO swap from appel could explain it

but like

guess we dont know

also think that if the estel/EVO swap was the case

and that scum attacked EVO

scum’s play is atrocious or they have deepwolves

Is deepwolf just big bron wolf basically?

or their trying to get us to think that

which is WiFoM

me does not like WiFoM

deepwolf is a wolf thats in most townreads/leans

they just take their towncred and just kind of exist

powerwolf is like a deepwolf except they have alot of control over the thread and usually highpost

OHHHHH So what I am doing right now?

Chat is dead, I wish I had info or something to help out but I don’t. This is really annoying

Somebody speak please, I don’t want chat to be a graveyard of emptiness