Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!


Sorry about your hand Sulit :frowning: .


i haven’t even gotten out of bes yet

Alright, I feel better after drinking something.

It’s possible but yes, I agree about the fact it’s unlikely.

I think they’re thinking the same thing.

I meant like it reverses my result completely. It would explain why Vulgard is acting so anti-town it’s beyond belief.

No clue who the other one is, but Italy’s seems fake. Also, imagine double consort :^)

Which is why I don’t think they would kill them if Italy were good

It’s entirely possible, but having two town RB’ers seem unlikely to me.

Perhaps, that’s possible but I don’t believe the second one at all.
1st one is only truth if scum are pushing on me.

it is dumb discussing this

Ash and Apprentice are scum here.

Ash is dead Seth…

He was our suicide bomber who took down Appel, who turns out was town as I expected

I saw that Ash :eyes:

Chat is dead, this is dissapointing.
Ok I idea


You guys are probably my top scum
Since chat is dead, we have all this free time and I don’t wanna waste it. When you get it, try to prove to me that you are not scum with whatever you want, posts, quotes, logic, reasoning, cookies, etc.

Imma be back in a while

That’s… not how this works. That’s…
internally screeching
If you make a claim, you’re the one expected to provide reasoning.

Anyway, here we go: I was on the CW to a mislynch D2 (and would’ve been D1 but shleep), I’m spewed town by one of the dead scum, I have a greencheck on me… If you want to check my ISO, most of my reads are pretty spread out but they’re there. It’s not like I don’t have content, I’m just not forcing it out of my ass.

I’m almost out of energy from defending myself in another game but luckily night begins soon on it. Could I interest anyone in a TL smiting though? Their reaction to me at the beginning of the day was absolutely horrendous.

Ash is a little bit of a dead townie to be scum here

Well I fuckin played like shit this game.
I swear to god if you, Vulgard, centuries and Italy are all scum I’m going to personally modkill myself.

Apprentice should be Scum here though but judging by all my other previous conclusion.
I honestly deserve to lose.
My reads are horrible this game.

Light is confirmed by Kyo.
CRich is Slank Vigilante.

Would Scum be given both Slank Vigilante and a Day Vigilante?

We have no more day killers without a doubt in our faction


And by our faction I mean Olympus, I’m tired
Apprentice kills Hippo, one titan.
ash suicides and kills Appel, two town.
Centuries kills cloned, one titan