Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

townslip isnt real


d e n i e d

also im pretty sure we went over that already and I’m also pretty sure you read through it

No, I literally locked myself in a claim…? I couldn’t just go “oh yeah I got the Golden Fleece so I’m a fucking dayvig lmao”

Hmmm welp I L1ght is getting lonched today unless someone shoots him

Am I the only one who sees me and L1ght as distancing wolves despite the fact I’m aware I’m not a wolf?

Do me a huge favor and go over it again?

Answer honestly, no need to add anything else.

This isn’t rhetorical.

and why not?

you only claimed flavor, and that can be bent in many ways

app is definitely distancing

you should be dayvigged if we have though

lmao literally found Centuries telling Light about fake flavor

Yep we’ve caught L1ght


I dont buy it

don’t buy what?

that oB didnt know

Oh, one thing 4000 messages ago. Naturally I’d remember that when it didn’t apply to me.

that’s literally the point of the post. as in Centuries explained the fake flavor to him earlier in the game

TBE, you’re acting really aggressive this day.

What’s gotten into you, we’ve caught the probably scum.

if anyone has dayvigs should claim

because i thought this day would be lylo

and I dont really care

I push scum today