Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Game Over [5/24] - Bellerophon and Pegasus Win!

Long ago, in the city of Corinth, there was a young man. A son of Poseidon and the queen, he was a demigod, marked for a heroic destiny. Most are not aware of his true name, for he was defined by an accident- the murder of his friend Belleros, a grevious manslaughter that earned him the name Bellerophon, meaning simply The Killer Of Bellerophon. He was exiled from Corinth many years later.

Running through the wilderness, he entered another city and earned the friendship of the flying horse Pegasus, formed from the splattered blood of Medusa. The jealous queen spurred her king to send Bellerophon on three deadly quests- to repell an invading army, to kill the Chimera, a horrific beast formed of many animals, and to raid the terrifying tribe of Warrior Women, the Amazons. He succeeded in all of these things, for he had the gods on his side.

Do not post, by the way.

He gained the throne of the city as thanks for these deeds, and became a wise and noble king. But slowly, he grew arrogant, believing his great deeds made him as worthy as the gods themselves. Bellerophon wanted to reach Olympus itself.

He flew Pegasus up, and up, and up, forwards towards the heavenly mountain. But mortals are not meant to set foot in Olympus. Zeus asked his Right Hand Man, Ganymede, to hand him a lightning bolt, and using his power he transformed this into the first gadfly. It bit Pegasus, and the horse bucked Bellerophon off, sending him flying down to earth and to his death, to Erebos, for his hubris.

@TheBlueElixir was Zeus! His flip is below:


Olympus Dreaming God

Almighty king of the gods, you watch the world from the high seat of Mount Olympus. But recently, the world has been changing. Your old enemy, your father Kronos, who brutally devoured your siblings, has returned to the world. You have gathered the council of Olympians and have released the greatest heroes in the history of your world to fight against the resurgent Titans.

Each night, you may call on one of your allies to aid you. Select one of the following effects from this list. They will have varying degrees of power and most of these will help you in some way. You can not call on the same ally twice.

  • Dionysus
  • Ares
  • Artemis
  • Apollo
  • Hephaestus
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Hades
  • Hermes
  • Demeter
  • Hera (I’d recommend against this one. She’s still pretty mad at you for the last time you cheated on her)

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

@Centuries was Ganymede! His flip is below:


Olympus Right Hand Man

You are the cupbearer to Zeus, chief servant of the God-King. You hold his great lightning bolts when he is not using them. You are loyal, deceptively strong, and spend all your time at Zeus’s side. And you are ready to help him defeat the new threats to Olympus.

You are the Right Hand Man to the Olympus Dreaming God! You know that the Titan Dreaming God also has a Right Hand Man. If your master is ever about to die, you will die in their place, with your flip cleaned. You will share a private chat with them and will both know each other’s alignments.

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

But when Kronos attacked, and the world opened its’ gaping maw to let the dead out, they did not merely let out great heroes and the banished Titans. They let out one final figure, whoose arrogance had grown, whoose power was little but had a steely will of pure hubris, a former hero. They unleashed Bellerophon, now truly a killer. And Pegasus was still by his side, the enchantment of the magic bridle used by his master long ago still extant.

In truth, Zeus, at his full power, was absent for a while. Bellerophon stripped him of his immortal power.

And so, when the last Titan died, the world did not return to normal. Because one other force sought to topple the Olympians, and ironically, it was not Typhon, or Prometheus. It was Bellerophon. And who could he have been acting as a tool of than his father, the sea god Poseidon?

The Olympian army thrust their knives through Oedipus’s chest.

@Intensify was executed! They were:


Olympus Even-night Doctor

You killed your father and had sex with your mother. These sins rake on you, and they were committed in ignorance, yet your wisdom protected the city of Thebes until the profanity of your incest brought death and plague upon the city.

On even nights, you may target a player to protect them from kills.

Defeat the Titans and any neutrals that stand in your way

The earth shakes and the seas rise. Throughout time, there have been many sea gods- first the primordial god of the depths Pontus, and the implacable Oceanus. But the current one is none other than Poseidon, father of heroes and ruler of the depths. The remainder of the Olympian army trembled, and fell to their knees. The age of Poseidon has begun. Let all fall before Neptune’s might.

Bellerophon, standing on a damp peak, patted his loyal horse’s head. He had succeeded. He was the right hand man… to the new king of the gods.

The game is over! @Wazza and @Apprentice have won!

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for real


gg lads

you’re just so not good

its incredible

im legit tilting irl

I mean I was confident we could ML but how the fuck was it Intensify


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Oh gee who could’ve predicted NKason Cop that also apparently had a PGO ability would sweep?

Wazza is:


Neutral Killer Power Thief
After the gadfly bit Pegasus with the force of Zeus’s lightning, you fell through the sky for what felt like an eternity. The pain of your hubris streaked through the sky, until you passed down into the Underworld. The gods who you once served consigned you to a true eternity of falling, through the realm of Tartarus, the deepest place in Erebos, so deep that not even Persephone dares venture there.

But when the wanderers, the planets of the sky alligned, and the gates of Hades were opened, you saw the Titans and the Giants, vanquished by the Gods, horrific beasts that a hero such as yourself is destined to fight, escape, you had had enough. How dare Zeus do this to you? How dare Zeus let this blight upon the mortal world happen?

You called Pegasus to your side. He’s still loyal, even after you spent years in Tartarus. Feeling the heat of the Phlegethon as it coursd down the walls near you did not purify you of the hubris that sent you to challenge Olympus. It only made it stronger.

Passive - No negative effects, excluding kills, can effect you. Once you gain Dreaming God powers, you will lose this passive.
Passive - You and your Right Hand Man share a 1-time passive death immunity
Day - Each day, you may select a player to learn their alignment and if they are a Dreaming God or not.
Night - Guess a player and an alignment. If that player is a Dreaming God of that alignment, you will gain Dreaming God powers of your own, as well as the ability to kill someone each night. That Dreaming God will lose their abilities, and only regain them upon your death. If you find a Dreaming God but guess their alignment wrong, you will be informed of this.

If both Dreaming Gods have died, you will gain Dreaming God powers of your own, as well as the ability to kill someone each night.
Additionally, if any Right Hand Man ever claims, you have the power to kill them at any time.

Survive to see the fall of Olympus and the Titans.

Centuries is:


Neutral Right Hand Man

You are the Right Hand Man to the Neutral Dreaming God Power Thief! You share a private chat with them and You know that the Olympus Dreaming God & the Titan Dreaming God also have Right Hand Men. If your master is ever going to die, you will die in their place, with your flip cleaned. Your master will appear as town to investigatives while you are alive. If you die, instead of joining dead chat, you will instead still be able to converse with your master.

Ensure your master wins the game

nobody read back legit

none of you

i won gg

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How the heck was Wazza, who was openwolfing for so darn long, never smited!?!

Gg gamers.

none of you listened to me
you call me a madman
but it’s the insane man’s ramblings that are spot on