Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans FM - Signups [24/24] - Randing / Sending Classcards

ye just one

Hmmm I’ll /in then

Aren’t you already /in?

goddamnit you ruined it

Hush my child

I gotchu, let me just do this: 1010010011 100011101 11011101

I feel like some sort of Karma is gonna hit me and Im gonna roll alch or something

In before I roll as NK and devour Olympus and the Titans :sunglasses: .

Maybe I should use an alt… hmmm I wonder how much that would help me

alot if you in on both

inb4 you roll good on one account and evil on the other

one more one more one more



checking your not already on the list


or both of your account roll evil

I mean that make some interesting games then

@marshal @SirDerpsAlot

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All slots are filled.

We starting now? Or later?

2020-06-19T17:00:00Z I think SDA said

not confirmed