Neutral Killer - Duresser
Passive - Can’t Get Duressed to Death
Immune to death at night.
Passive - Cursed Already
Can’t get up to be the King.
Day Ability - More Talk Less Treason - Infinitive Uses
Curse target,making them not being able to vote for trial and treason if they talk or whisper after you use this ability on them.
You will be able to talk to him anonymously by whispering as Duresser.(Message is visible to everyone,but it will say;Duresser whispers to Player.)
And target will get notified,so will be able to decide to talk or not.
(Can’t be used after trial and/or treason.)
Night Ability - Duress - Infinitive Uses
Duress target;you will speak as them tomorrow;duressing will be gone after trial and treason,and target will die tomorrow night.
Objective: Neutral Killer Objective.