Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

I say: “if.”

This is the scumpost


Explain giving mafia a hitlist. Wut

Basically if you gave someone your townread, then they are more likely to get murdered.

I understand if you are talking about pr roles but normal townreads?

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I town read insanity then

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/vote Insanity

then what are you supposed to do, hide your reads?

or better yet: call everyone scum

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My vote was on maxi but seeing insanity’s post about hiding reads earn them +100scum points. /vote insanity

Implying I don’t use :^) in all my posts everywhere :^)


I’ll never know better than to make stupid jokes than get me mislynched, mark my words :^)

relatable lol
you’re still scum tho :wink:

this is where I wish I had two votes lmao

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Accused Voters Count
Ashe Insanity, H_Hjasik, Geyde 3/7
MaximusPrime Ashe, OTB, Isaac 3/7
Sam MaximusPrime 1/7
Luxy Sam 1/7
Insanity Luxy, Livicus 2/7
No Voters Wolfy, Captain 2

idk the exact colors Marl uses


Get rid of yellow please it burns my eyes

@Ashe insanity is an infinitely better lynch than maximus today

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maximus can wait another day.



using colors ? modkilled

Well when you think about it, we should probably have the vigi kill the person more likely to be scum since only the vigi will know their flip anyway

cant be modkilled if you are the VC bot

talking about luxy.

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No way, this cleaning flips is dangerous af