Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

cool. we can count on you if the forum resets again :smiley:


Well she says my scumbuddies refuse to vote me which would suggest youre my scumbuddy apparently

I just cant remember what I dont read
Aka any thread in any category other than FM/FoL/SFoL

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But that’s the reason I have every game lol

i prolly would. I wanna see what hjasik flips tho.

Merc is going under the radar tbh

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dam. i always forgot what i posted after posting it. (not that bad but you get the idea)

Same tbh

@Mercenary post something. i can see you liking my post.

Finished reading stuff and can we please stop this memefest.

Where did you see memefest

i dont think theyre memeing.

Uhm, if you want to, then accuse someone.

And I doubt we are even memeing.

Why are you pressing me to accuse someone?

Have you formed any reads?

Hes calling it memes to avoid having to discuss reads based off the text

Because you are the one who is memeing :eyes:

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@Mercenary come back

Wait wut