Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

merc aside, who is the next target for tomoro’s lynch?

You asking me?

asking in general.

  1. Wolfy

Quite sus post tbh but not enough for me to scumread.

he always posts this in every game. NAI imo.

nvmd then, still nullread

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inb4 i get accused of defending scum. lol @Luxy

  1. Margaret > The last time I’ve seen her as scum was months before, and she usually was much more reserved as scum (according others). I know this is probably out-of-date, but her activity could indicate a town behavior.


The proper term is
Strategical Lurking

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With more posts the situation with Luxy becomes kinda clearer to me. I would place them as a spew, as I didn’t really like some of her first posts, looking back, but I get townie feelings from the most recent ones.

It’s because everyone is slanking instead of playing the game :wink:

plus, there’s 3 scum and I betcha 3/4 of those are the scum

you’re only saying that because I’m scumreading you :^)

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  1. Sam17z > Had literally only one post so far and it was a “brb”. Can’t read this.

I would say “tf lad u reading a meme” then I remembered it could have some WIFOM factor so this post is null.

How Luxy usually is, then?

I like this post, in general.

I see kinda town motivation from the early posts, but you seem to be pushing my lynch without posting why you suspected me earlier (it came kinda late with a wallpost you feel “off” about).
I would need to know more of your playstyle to make a judgement.

If you actually read Luxy’s ISO before the reroll, you shall see why.

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And god, I am writing a page and a half page of paper in Chinese for my stupid homework, and I am running out of idea to write.

what is it about?

Determination .-.

I regret choosing that now.

Since it needs to be related to my real life.
But who the heck cares since I already write a page about it.

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AP Chinese is fun ;-;

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