Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

I stand by this. Meta reading isnt a viable strategy because ppl can easily fake/copy their meta.

Is scum hunting shade throwing?

No I don’t.

I answered. It’s just not the answer you want.

Forgot about this tbh. Read this thread aannd she’s dead. She used alot of Ate tactics. That’s what I’ve read. Sometimes it isn’t an indicator.

I don’t see the correlation with me? :thinking:

Constant voting and unvoting. Usually NAI but there is an agenda in there somewhere. Can’t put a finger on it.

I’ll add later.

You know what’s scary? If hjasik is actually deep wolf.


There has been too much clash between Hja and scum for it to make possible sense, even when looking past meta reads.


That’s why I say its scary.

Sorry. I was just reading your post when I was reading that.

Explain why you aren’t scum.

Very English! Bravo! :clap:

I just posted my response to insanity. Not a very good response but still.

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 1

Using RNG to solve this is stupid

Also not really townie

Going with the read I put up earlier then.

Chances I’ll be lynched today?
@discobot roll 1d100

And are you making progression?


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Accused Voters Count
overthebin Maximus, Insanity 2/3

26 hours until EOD

If geyde or hj were scum they would’ve already hammered I think

A quick hammer wont benefit scum now imo.