Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

I still have ptsd from Insanity in nfol2, and you’re inactive trying to stay under the radar as scum it seems.

I said she was likely scum from her flawed reasoning

The votes were rapid on me tbh. But maybe I was mistaken, I concede the fact that at the time it was not for a quick lynch because I thought i had more votes on myself. But the votes were rapid and it was unusual for you to wagon me up so quickly without me saying a word.

Also just because we are kinda on the matter
I feel that it’s sad although I see the reasoning behind the kill smart guys early meta.
I mean. It makes sense. But it must kinda suck to get killed early just because you played a lot.

I don’t think its unusual at all

I could quote all my previous games but I don’t want to selfmeta :man_shrugging:

Agree to disagree I feel.

There is no such meta


@overthebin @MaximusPrime your thoughts on luxy/sam

Stuff like this geyde, I was barely defending myself as I only had 2 votes on myself and apparently its defending myself and not scumhunting

I saw someone mentioning it once

Fair point on the votes.

On another note, why did you tunnel Livi?

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Yes someone prolly say it for lols never have I seen someone executed here Cuz of experience

Not executed, killed at night by maf.

Insanity I saw u replying

Your thoughts on luxy sam?

Noa ngleshooting pls

Welp, Luxy, can you explain your tunnel on Livi?

I just want to know why.

I started the tunnel on Livi tbh