Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

So whos scum then maxi?

gut says geyde or wolfy, idk

i’m gonna go eat dinner and check back here in a couple hours before i go sleep

Ok, be sure to elaborate later

Accused Voters Count
Sam17z Luxy, Merc, 2/5
Hjasik Wolfy 1/5
Wolfy MaximusPrime 1/5
Luxy Sam17z, Hjasik, 2/5

Seeking a replacement for Wolfy. @MathBlade @Kirefitten are either of you interested?

I’ll pass, trying to stop joining every game I see as I’ll be overwhelmed soon.

not to mention I have to figure out how to cook roman food

Math can have it


any reason for that? :thinking:

can someone explain this? thanks.

Not voting sam today. He’s a townread

started the wagon on livicus. Wants to do the same with sam too.

If we go with meta reads, Luxy havent said something like this before AFAIK. Iirc, in other games luxy was one of the people who shot down wolfy for doing the exact same thing.

Which one?

LAMIST posts:

You are shadethrowing Luxy but aren’t voting them why?

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/vote Luxy

Vote Luxy please

@Geyde cast a vote on your top scum thanks

@insanity vote a scum thanks

@Mercenary kill your top scum

/vote Insanity

Why you voting insanity? @Geyde

no reasoning? found luxy’s scumteam

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Day has ended. Luxy has been lynched. He was… Mafia.