Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

No, I said:

I want to see why did you scumread him.

What is your View on merc btw

Haven’t read merc’s iso.

I haven’t read his posts before before that. I’ll check if I’m on pc.


I guess we got the scumteam.

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No, it is because two people already complained about it and you keep pinging people after 5 minutes of inactivity as if they were your slave. You will keep doing this despite being told not to if you keep gaining attention, however. Someone had to start countering it.

I’m lazy. Sam then told me they usually played well as scum and were hard to read, so I just dropped the mic.

No I had to make sure you would answer in real time And not craft your answer

Also when you decided that pressing someone against a wall until they break into insanity was a good strat.
Just no. Not a not with me please, just a just no. That’s toxic.

Needlessly in the context but it needed to be said.

We are talking about joining a game And then being inactive And refusing to interact with others

Yes, I’m clearly very inactive. /s

I stated previously that I didn’t refuse to interact with others, it was interacting with you when pinging me. As you see, I’m interacting right now.

You made a post And then immideatly left when I asked you a question

exactly what I said before.

You still havent answered question I made

and which question.

What are your thoughts on this?

on what, my lad

On Who is scum obvs

Does this question trigger Forum crash or something ?

Merc, who do you think the lynch should be today?