Dustpan ReDux - Taking out the trash - Town Victory

Yet otb scumread me.

Because I want your answer.

You can’t answer it, because it guarantees that you as scum.

Yet you could easily manipulate him into voting me.

You guys still haven’t posted a number.

I wouldn’t have to manipulate Hja into voting you.

They were already planning on voting you after Maxi.

Your point falls through.

Would he?

I quoted that post where they said that.


There would be no reason if I was scum to nk Hja, yet there is more than enough reason for you to.

Otb had me/Hja as potential scum
You already had progression on me

But how are you 100% sure he will vote me then?

You just probably want to make sure he won’t vote you.

Because they had Me/Otb as town.

You would be the only non-townread player alive at that point from Hja’s perspective.

So of course they would vote you.

You are using a hypothetical against my argument, moreover.

You can’t answer it, can you?

Sure, because you pocketed him since D1.

That is however not true. Did you really think he will townread you to the end?

Also, you could also kill him whenever you want, since he have me on scum list, thus framing me.

That doesn’t mean anything for the argument. It doesn’t answer the point I’m making.

This is a post that comes from a salty scum.

First, hypothetical. That shifts the goalposts away from the acutal point. Second, that makes no sense. They said I was ‘town’ (d3). That’s a bit different than townlean.

There is no reason to kill a player who would vote with me for a frameplay, that could EASILY backfire. Otb even said that they would vote me instantly.

Your responses continually try to shift the argument away from the main point, and your arguements that don’t are blatantly incorrect.



This is where the part you are pocketing him since D1.

It is because your argument are forcing me to shift my response away from the main point.

My defense is shyt. I would lynch myself on the spot with that defense. /Vote insanity


Ggwp, OTB.

I am scum.

We did it



Ladies and gentlemen, we got them.

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