EFoL 2 Redux - Unseen Chat

Solic said he doesn’t revive with 1 holder

Who knows, we might able to pressure Gamerpoke which he did with priestess.

The Lich :shield:

Neutral Killer
Phylactery (Passive) - During Day One, the Lich specifies two players to be their Phylactery Holders. If they fail to do so before the end of the day, they are randomized. They can not choose The King to be their holder, nor can The King be a randomized Holder. The Lich will know their starting classes, and will be night immune while at least one of them lives. If both of them die, the Lich will die the following night. Investigations against the Phylactery Holders will also yield the additional message “You feel a chill surrounding the target player. They are a Phylactery Holder for The Lich.” If your Phylactery Holders die, this fact that they are one will be included with their class information.
Undeath (Passive) - As long as the Phylactery Holders are alive, at the start of every night the Lich will automatically revive themselves if they are dead, regardless of how they died.
Spectral Mist (Day) - A target Phylactery Holder is healed tonight. - 3 uses
Black Fog (Day) - Attempts to investigate either of the Phylactery Holders will fail tonight. - 3 uses
Finger of Decay (Night) - Kill a player. If you were revived at the start of the night, then this attack bypasses night immunity and healing. - Infinite uses
Death’s Curtains (Night) - Kill one of your Phylactery holders (bypasses night immunity and healing), and two other targets. - Infinite uses, but only usable while you have two Phylactery Holders alive
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Just kill gamer tommorow he doesnt revivie with 1 holder

I will convert someone tommorow night as well

Yeah,kill him and no kill on night

Both holders

Finger of Decay (Night) - Kill a player. If you were revived at the start of the night, then this attack bypasses night immunity and healing. - Infinite uses

Undeath (Passive) - As long as the Phylactery Holders are alive, at the start of every night the Lich will automatically revive themselves if they are dead, regardless of how they died.

Both need to be alive

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One died because Sam killed Max, so.

Lich’s holders cannot be invested. Lets make a list of who the invests invested then

@Solic is foresight considered an investigation?

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If both of them die, the Lich will die the following night.

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I’ll assume so
Is gossip an investigation(I receive a redirect message)

So we do not need to lynch Gamerpoke.

He dies to bleed next night

Lynch marg,Isaac redirects gamer into BD so we survive,we lynch myself so squid wins,we kill last BD

Probs going to convert simon if that is the case and or hjasik

So do you agree or disagree with me bussing insanity for a convert spot?

Convert hja,he called out our team before Insanity was lynched,he deserves a win