EFoL 2 Redux - Unseen Chat

I am not reading 630+ posts.

/Assassinate Margaret

@Sam17z I am going to regret this

Meteoro said kill celeste. He probs had a reason why idk

What happen to your foresight then?

Didnā€™t you say sheā€™s convertible Offensive?

ISO insanity and get his results. It is in the 5 posts


I mean whatā€™s the difference he and I said?

I dont want to paraphrase the results. It is better to get it from the source

But really we end up giving Scorned a win?

Because if Hippo doesnā€™t come here soon, we lose.

I dont think ā€œweā€ is acceptable. I think wazza gamethrew and gave scorned the win

@Wazza You are no longer with Blue Dragons, donā€™t sabotage me.

Because now Squid will vote against us likely.

Because it needs 4 votes (7 players alive if all two attacks got hit) to have majority but Scorned have no allegiance to help us because we bled him so we will likely lose another, namely SAM17Z!

So we wonā€™t able to convert people because he likely gets executed.

If you had voted Gamerpoke and Hippo was active, we wouldnā€™t have this problem

You donā€™t get to make a choice damn it

Weā€™re suppose to get a soul from Gamerpoke.

Gamethrowing is a really big problem on this forum imo

Really appreciated not on agreeing on our plan

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Oh my god, if I was here earlier I would smack you to senses.

Just watch how Sam get lynched tomorrow

That fucking Neut help mentality get us killed

But if Hippo is online as ours, we can still vote Hjasik which is our next target.

But if itā€™s active on night time for us Europeans then weā€™re screwed

Meteoro told me to, fuck off my back man.