EFoL 3 - Dead Chat

I’m allowed to post the letter I sent Arete right?

Wazza being physician is a little mental

Also I was trying to get Kyo down since I thought I killed Cult!Alice with my Guard so he couldn’t be Cult…

That’s a my bad.

I’m never going to make jokes again.

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Was Priestess actually bled d1?

Nononononono. That was completely my ignorance. I find it quite funny and enjoyable. I loved the roleplay letter I sent her as well.
The joke was probably one of the most enjoyable parts in the game for me.

My play was absolute shit so

Nah, I played this badly. Convinced myself of a really bad read.

I think the setup is fine here. Town derped, but this was kind of BD’s bad play here.

Would actually suggest bringing the first convert to n3 to balance it out, tbh.


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I feel like I played mediocre the heal on priestess was bad but at least I tried I guess


ha the cult are the real losers they don’t get pity cake

dear god arete is tough to read

I have to have like separate categories for him

I guess for future reference: If I push someone, they are BD. LMAO

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what is Waz doing :<

Letter to AreteSlashStars (Sent second)

Dear AreteSlashStars,

Your claim seems to be geniune and your actions are sensible. Therefore I shall reward you by not executing you tonight. Being jailed is certainly unfortunate as you can no longer bounty.

Don’t forget to drink the tea provided in this jail cell!

For your contributions towards this throne room I shall reward you with this knowledge (and just in the event I am to unfortunately perish then you can deduce that the Prince has passed);

I am one of your scumleans.

Good luck Arete,
The Prince

Jail code: 127

Letter from AreteSlashStars (Sent first)

Didn’t CS D1, seemed like a waste. Had planned to bounty Kape. Tell me if you want anyone specific for tomorrow. Not sure how to use this class in FoL.
Should I step if Priestess dies?
Condensed read list:
Priestess: GK lean, but only because Priestess
Datbird:Townlean from solviness but fooled me last time
Kape:Scumlean. Led the push on Magnus to escape a push on himself. Weird progression
Alice:Would be a townlean from anyone else
Kyo:Scumlean. Weird progression on Magnus. Sheeped Magnus while dodging responsibility by FoSing Sog
Hja:Townlean. Seems to be trying to solve. I don’t know how to metaread her, though
Kai:Townlean, lots of strong analysis if we ignore the memes
Possessed:Scumlean. Wasting time on an alch, tone feels different from usual
HTM:Townlean, generally solvey
Sulit:Townlean, lots of analysis
Soul:BD LHF, drawing too much attention to be scum
Astand:Mild townlean, minimal but solvey content
Sog:Slight townlean, most scum wouldn’t soft D1

Letter from Possessed (Sent third)

“Super questionable jail but I get it. As I’ve said, I am Chronomanacer who was going to distort the Kings death tonight and throw it back on an evil. No idea why I’m in Jail and Dat isn’t, Kyo; he’s outted Cult. N1 I timewarped Arete but Frost claims he occed me. Lets hope this jail doesn’t end us.”

Letter to Possessed (Send fourth)

Dear Possessed,

I honestly now that I’ve read everything would have never jailed you. Dat would have an axe through his head most likely. However an absense for 3 hours whilst I was getting my eyes tested, picking new frames ect. unfortunately delayed the day far enough that I wasn’t able to get back in time.
Due to this I’ve came to the conclusion that the BD are going to lose unless you’re cult or a miracle happens.
Therefore I’ve decided to execute you based on the fact that it will be our demise should you not be Cult;

I’m trully sorry Possessed. I apologise if you are Blue Dragon. If you are let us hope that SogMan gets a smite off or the Knight or NK hits a cultist.

Farewell Possessed,
The Prince

Jail Code 174

For those that are interested.

I hope Arete can pull this off Tbh…he deserves it.

Cult win has just been announced. Rip.
