EFoL 3 - Dead Chat

Nope. They’re Physician.

We were gonna get proof. And I doubt she knew her scumbuds d1

Wtf? LOL wazza phys??

I thought Wazza was the Knight originally.

Sog was converted.

Astand/Htm/Birdo are cult

Arete is Demon.

Yo the plays.

I knew I should have executed N1. Missed the opportunity.


Oh lookie here my read on Arete being evil was right but everyone said they were bd

I was really thinking about CFD’ing onto HTM D1 >_>

Instead you outed to them. That was a very feelsbad moment for me to watch. :confused:

But you were excellent for first time around, so don’t feel bad about this game. :slight_smile:

Arete’s reads were completely geniune but I didn’t like their lines d1 which was why they were jailed.
God damn it. I suppose Arete living right now is the only thing that will save BD from a definite perish.

Whens next FOL btw?

I exlusively play FOL because Fm is too generic nowerdays.

Thanks. I geniunely thought there was no flips so I felt the need to give at least a clue to the jailed so they could figure out if Prince was dead.


As someone who knows Arete, they were playing different from their Town game.

That’s one of the benefits of playing NK. Since you don’t know who are the Cult/Unseen and you need them out of the way then your reads will always be genuine.

I’m allowed to post the letter I sent Arete right?

Wazza being physician is a little mental

Also I was trying to get Kyo down since I thought I killed Cult!Alice with my Guard so he couldn’t be Cult…