EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

Why would you redirect vigilantes?

Congratulations you won

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Tfw you’re not killed, so you don’t die

the idea is that we hold an informal vote today on a pool of people we want negative actions to go into

Night is scum

Just an FYI

Like I said obs and noble meta on me no joke I want no one to try day 1 so we can get non townie people smuggled into d2 without being killed or converted



Have i said it already? my claim isn’t a joke. I’m not very good at being neut so I just claimed missionary d1 (because that’s what I am.) This is the type of role that it’s fine to do that with, right?

you are entitled to that opinion

I cant tell if min is joking or not now


Derps is town
get in my pocket noobz xd xd

I haven’t read anything at all about missionary tbh

Okay, but why would you redirect them?

If you’re going to hold a vote, why not just let them shoot the most voted?

dafaq is a missionary

I sleep bye have a good game start acting scummy

This isn’t a class tho


can’t see a certain amount of town die. it’s a neutral.

Ohh ok

so min

hate to break it to ya but missionary isnt in this one