EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

wind kinda self resolving i think
albeit i’ve never seen scum wind

Because like
once people quoted those responses to pressure and I took another look at them

it’s textbook wolf ‘don’t kill me this is totally nai’ instead of actually trying to solve to look good
it’s not even true

what they’ve been saying, that is

Playing with people is fine.
Playing for win condition is even better.


After some research I think you’re talking about Enemy within 4.

I’ll reread it overnight ig, but I doubt it’ll change my opinion.

what if every one is a king

it’s mainly referring to a game on mu actually


then we have anarcho monarchism
which is the best basis for a form of government

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I haven’t seen that then.

Why not have no kings

because order execute

but then I’m not a king

oh and that
we can then turn this game into an ffa

(Could you link it?)

I don’t bloody know which one it is
But try the game you found and also jojo part 7 game on mafiacolosseum

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Allies Chat is a nice ability to coordinate town at night.
I don’t know about you, though I’d say anything that helps town coordinate at night is a good thing.

Ah yes
That sounds lovely

My fun has been ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable


This is the first time I’ve played with Shurian.
No meta to help me this time, yet I think that their thread presence and posts look rather waterfally to me.

Well going with this, then this is a good look for Shurian here.
Thinking Shurian so far is rand V.